Back-end Stacks:
- Java version: 8, 11, 17, 21
- Framework: Spring, Quarkus
- Database: PostegreSQL, H2
- ORM: Hibernate, Spring Data
- Application server: Apache Tomcat, JBoss Wildfly
- Broker: Apache Kafka
- Distributed computing: Apache Spark
- Batch processing: Spring Batch and JBeret
- Testing: JUnit 4 and 5, Spring Test, Mockito, AssertJ, Arquillian, QuarkusTest, embedded databases
Front-end Stacks:
- Angular 16+
- Jest and Jasmin
- Bootstrap 5
- IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse
- VsCode
- Git
- Maven
- Github, GitLab
- Jenkins
- Sonar
- Terminator, Cmder
- DBbeaver