flipStandardCharts Public
Forked from Displayr/flipStandardChartsHTMLwidget Charts with an Excel-like signature
R UpdatedJun 4, 2019 -
Perceptual mapping workflow presented at pydata seattle.
Python UpdatedJun 18, 2016 -
CommunityLinkage Public
Code which measures community linkage in the context of product and service associations
R UpdatedMar 23, 2016 -
lifelines Public
Forked from CamDavidsonPilon/lifelinesSurvival analysis in Python
Python Other UpdatedJul 13, 2015 -
open-source-cs-degree Public
Forked from mvillaloboz/open-source-cs-degreeThe Open Source Computer Science Degree
UpdatedJul 2, 2015 -
Azure-MachineLearning-DataScience Public
Forked from Azure-Samples/Azure-MachineLearning-DataScienceC# UpdatedJun 24, 2015 -
go Public
Forked from datasciencemasters/goThe Open Source Data Science Masters
The Unlicense UpdatedJun 22, 2015 -
data-science-ipython-notebooks Public
Forked from donnemartin/data-science-ipython-notebooksContinually updated Data Science Python Notebooks: Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS, AWS, Kaggle, scikit-learn, matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, and various command lines.
Python Other UpdatedJun 14, 2015 -
pyLDAvis Public
Forked from bmabey/pyLDAvisPython library for interactive topic model visualization. Port of the R LDAvis package.
RepData_PeerAssessment1 Public
Forked from rdpeng/RepData_PeerAssessment1Peer Assessment 1 for Reproducible Research
HTML UpdatedMay 18, 2015 -
Storms_EconAndHealthStudy Public
Impact of storms on people and the economy
HTML UpdatedMay 18, 2015 -
Code to accompany Advanced Analytics with Spark from O'Reilly Media
Scala Other UpdatedMay 17, 2015 -
lifetimes Public
Forked from CamDavidsonPilon/lifetimesLifetime value in Python
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 7, 2015 -
awesome-R Public
Forked from qinwf/awesome-RA curated list of awesome R frameworks, packages and software.
SocialCorrespondenceAnalysis Public
Github repo for active work on correspondence analysis
Code for the Practical Machine Learning Class Project
HTML UpdatedApr 27, 2015 -
stats-testing-in-python Public
Forked from Volodymyrk/stats-testing-in-pythoncollection of ipython notebooks for "How to Analyse an Online Experiment in Python" tutorial
UpdatedApr 25, 2015 -
mp_tutorial Public
Forked from hallamlab/mp_tutorialA repository of notes, code, slides, and resources for the MetaPathways tutorial being held February 2014 at UBC.
R Other UpdatedApr 23, 2015 -
template-scala-parallel-ecommercerecommendation Public
Forked from apache/predictionio-template-ecom-recommenderPredictionIO E-Commerce Recommendation Engine Template (Scala-based parallelized engine)
Scala UpdatedApr 17, 2015 -
template-scala-parallel-complementarypurchase Public
Forked from PredictionIO/template-scala-parallel-complementarypurchasePredictionIO Complementary Purchase Engine Template (Scala-based parallelized engine)
Scala UpdatedApr 17, 2015 -
SparkR-pkg Public
Forked from amplab-extras/SparkR-pkgR frontend for Spark
R Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 9, 2015 -
joinery Public
Forked from cardillo/joineryData frames for Java
Java GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 24, 2015 -
ExData_Plotting1 Public
Forked from rdpeng/ExData_Plotting1Plotting Assignment 1 for Exploratory Data Analysis
R UpdatedMar 10, 2015