腾讯云开发云原生一体化部署工具 🚀 CloudBase Framework:一键部署,不限框架语言,云端一体化开发,基于Serverless 架构。A front-end and back-end integrated deployment tool. One-click deploy to serverless architecture. https://docs.cloudbase.n…
this markdown Editor for hexo blog
The project has been migrated to @wolf-table/table
Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines pmd implements and IDE plugin
Linux运维监控工具,支持系统硬件信息,内存,CPU,温度,磁盘空间及IO,硬盘smart,GPU,防火墙,网络流量速率等监控,服务接口监测,大屏展示,拓扑图,端口监控,进程监控,docker监控,日志监控,文件防篡改,数据库监控,指令批量下发执行,web ssh,Linux面板(探针),告警,SNMP监测,K8S,Redis,Nginx,Kafka,资产管理,计划任务,密码管理,工作笔记
An issue tracking tool based on laravel+reactjs for small and medium-sized enterprises, open-source and free, similar to Jira.
⚡️A vue component support big amount data list with high render performance and efficient.
💎1MB lightweight face detection model (1MB轻量级人脸检测模型)
The Most Advanced Proxy Client,support to SOCKS5, Shadowsocks 游戏加速器
A tool export/dumping oracle query result to CSV files. And 'orauld' is acronym for 'ORAcle UnLoaD'.
图片跳板、图片中转,包括php、nodejs源码。(You can use this file to visite the images which your website can't visited.)
Docker container for Taiga
EvaOAuth provides a standard interface for OAuth1.0(a) / OAuth2.0 client authorization, it is easy to integrate with any PHP project by very few lines code.
PromAnsible, 集成了Prometheuse(基于时间序列数据的服务监控系统)和Ansible(超级简单好用的IT自动化系统),并通过事件报警机制把二者紧密的结合在一起,并配以简单易用的WebUI,真正实现了监控-报警-处理一条龙的全自动化服务。
docker for nginx + php-fpm + elasticsearch + fulentd + kibana
循序渐进,学习Spring Boot、Spring Boot & Shiro、Spring Batch、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Spring Security & Spring Security OAuth2,博客Spring系列源码:
A tool for automatically generating database documents
A simple style and powerful selector, including ajax remote data, autocomplete, pagination, tags, i18n and keyboard navigation features
🎉 A magical vue admin
An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)