- Oran, Algeria
- @_Fennec_Xyz
Collection of utility types, complementing TypeScript built-in mapped types and aliases (think "lodash" for static types).
Enhanced InstancedMesh with frustum culling, fast raycasting (using BVH), sorting, visibility management, LOD and more.
An app for painting on meshes in THREEJS, with glb export.
Visible geometry edge projection and flattening based on three-mesh-bvh.
A flexible, memory compact, fast and dynamic CSG implementation on top of three-mesh-bvh
Path tracing renderer and utilities for three.js built on top of three-mesh-bvh.
A BVH implementation to speed up raycasting and enable spatial queries against three.js meshes.
Combine the flexibility of CSS3/HTML5 with the capabilities of Three.js using CSSLayout. Enable HTML overlays, implement responsive design, and effortlessly apply animations, transitions, and CSS t…
Deploy Vite app to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions
Creating a indexed BufferGeometry from a non-indexed.
Demo of grass blowing in the wind in Three.JS / GLSL
extended version of AmmoPhysics.js forked from three.js repository
Three.js-based implementation of 3D Gaussian splatting
Fast SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript.
A lightweight and controllable audio visualization vue3 plugin
Vue 3 multiselect component with single select, multiselect and tagging options (+Tailwind CSS support).
A versatile tag input component built with Vue 3 Composition API ⛺
🔵 Make TypeScript errors prettier and human-readable in VSCode 🎀
Promise based wrapper for webworkers
Web App: Download just a sub directory from a GitHub repo.