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CTPersistance PublicForked from casatwy/CTPersistance
Objective-C Model Layer with SQLite, your next Persistence Layer!
Objective-C 1
IQKeyboardManager PublicForked from hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager
Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more.
Objective-C 1
FTPopOverMenu PublicForked from liufengting/FTPopOverMenu
FTPopOverMenu is a pop over menu for iOS which is maybe the easiest one to use. Supports both portrait and landscape. It can show from any UIView, any UIBarButtonItem and any CGRect.
Objective-C 1
XXShield PublicForked from ValiantCat/XXShield
It's a library can avoid some crash in iOS project written by Objective-C.
Objective-C 1
JJException PublicForked from jezzmemo/JJException
Protect the objective-c application(保护App不闪退)
Objective-C 1
KSYLive_iOS PublicForked from ksvc/KSYLive_iOS
金山云直播SDK [ iOS推流+播放 ]融合版 支持美颜滤镜(Beauty Filter)、美声(Beauty Voice)、软硬编(Software/Hardware Encoder) 、网络自适应(Network Auto Adapt)、混音(Audio Mixer)、混响(Reverb)、画中画(PIP)
Objective-C 1
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