Persistence, Persistance, lol.
can be used as a Model Layer
in iOS App development, maybe can used for MacOSX develop, but I'm not tested yet. See CTPersistance Reference for more infomation.
#Install (Cocoapods)
pod 'CTPersistance'
- Insert, Delete, Update, Read
- support database migration
- transaction
go to Build Phases
and add sqlite3
into your library list.
#Quick Try (Insert, Delete, Update, Read)
@interface TestRecord : CTPersistanceRecord
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSNumber *identifier;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *text;
2. create TestTable
which extends from CTPersistanceTable
, and confirms to CTPersistanceTableProtocol
like this:
#import "CTPersistance.h"
@interface TestTable : CTPersistanceTable <CTPersistanceTableProtocol>
@implementation TestTable
#pragma mark - CTPersistanceTableProtocol
- (NSString *)databaseName
return @"TestDataBase.sqlite";
- (NSString *)tableName
return @"TestTable";
- (NSDictionary *)columnInfo
return @{
- (Class)recordClass
return [TestRecord class];
- (NSString *)primaryKeyName
return @"identifier";
#import "ViewController.h"
#import "TestTable.h"
#import "TestRecord.h"
@interface ViewController ()
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
/* insert */
NSError *error = nil;
TestTable *table = [[TestTable alloc] init];
TestRecord *record = [[TestRecord alloc] init];
record.text = @"hello, world!";
[table insertRecord:record error:&error];
NSLog(@"%@", record.identifier); // 1
/* read */
record = (TestRecord *)[table findLatestRecordWithError:&error];
NSLog(@"%@", record.text); // hello, world!
/* update */
record = (TestRecord *)[table findWithPrimaryKey:@(1) error:&error];
record.text = @"hello, universe!";
[table updateRecord:record error:&error];
/* delete */
[table deleteRecord:record error:&error];
#Quick Try (Migration)
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "CTPersistanceMigrator.h"
@interface MigrationStep1_0 : NSObject <CTPersistanceMigrationStep>
you can only
use initWithQueryCommand: to create a table in migration step object
and DO NOT
use initWithQueryCommand: to create table outside the migration step object
in other situation, init is the only method for you to create a table.
#import "MigrationStep1_0.h"
#import "TestTable.h"
@implementation MigrationStep1_0
- (void)goUpWithQueryCommand:(CTPersistanceQueryCommand *)queryCommand error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error
TestTable *table = [[TestTable alloc] initWithQueryCommand:queryCommand];
[[queryCommand addColumn:@"migration1_0" columnInfo:@"TEXT" tableName:table.tableName] executeWithError:error];
if (*error) {
NSDictionary *keyvalueList = @{@"migration1_0":@"this is migration"};
NSString *whereCondition = @":primaryKey > 0";
NSString *primaryKey = [table primaryKeyName];
NSDictionary *whereConditionParams = NSDictionaryOfVariableBindings(primaryKey);
[table updateKeyValueList:keyvalueList whereCondition:whereCondition whereConditionParams:whereConditionParams error:error];
- (void)goDownWithQueryCommand:(CTPersistanceQueryCommand *)queryCommand error:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error
// do nothing
3. create the migrator which extends from CTPersistanceMigrator
and confirm to <CTPersistanceMigratorProtocol>
#import "CTPersistanceMigrator.h"
@interface TestMigrator : CTPersistanceMigrator <CTPersistanceMigratorProtocol>
import the step object you just created, and put them into migrationStepDictionary
, migrationVersionList
is the order to migrate steps, the version list must start with kCTPersistanceInitVersion
#import "TestMigrator.h"
#import "CTPersistanceConfiguration.h"
#import "MigrationStep1_0.h"
#import "MigrationStep2_0.h"
@implementation TestMigrator
#pragma mark - CTPersistanceMigratorProtocol
- (NSDictionary *)migrationStepDictionary
return @{
@"1.0":[MigrationStep1_0 class],
@"2.0":[MigrationStep2_0 class]
- (NSArray *)migrationVersionList
return @[kCTPersistanceInitVersion, @"1.0", @"2.0"];
the key is the name of the database which you want to migrate. the value is the name of the class name of the migrator.
will try to match the key with the name of database to decide which migrator to use, and you can use Regular Express Patten for the key.
you can try migration now!
TestTable *testTable = [[TestTable alloc] init];
[CTPersistanceTransaction performTranscationWithBlock:^(BOOL *shouldRollback) {
NSUInteger count = 10000;
while (count --> 0) {
TestRecord *record = [[TestRecord alloc] init];
record.age = @(count); = @"casa";
record.tomas = @"casa";
[testTable insertRecord:record error:NULL];
*shouldRollback = NO;
} queryCommand:testTable.queryCommand lockType:CTPersistanceTransactionLockTypeDefault];