This repo is the implementation of "Flow-by-flow traffic matrix prediction methods: Achieving accurate, adaptable, low cost results" (Computer Communications).
In this paper, a flow-by-flow method is proposed for TM prediction. For a certain original node i and destination node
Fig. 1 The pipeline of flow-by-flow TM prediction.
Two publicly available datasets are utilized to validate the proposed prediction method, namely the Abilene and GÉANT datasets. They provide the statistical traffic volume data of the real network traffic trace from the American Research and Education Network (Abilene) and the Europe Research and Education Network (GÉANT) .
Topology | Nodes | Flows | Links | Interval | Horizon | Records |
Abilene | 12 | 144 | 15 | 5 min | 6 months | 48046 |
GÉANT | 23 | 529 | 38 | 15 min | 4 months | 10772 |
Dataset | Prediction Type | Model | MSE(×10-4) (1/2/3 TMs) | MAE(×10-2) (1/2/3 TMs) |
Abilene | Classical method | ARIMA | 89.74/179.48/269.25 | 5.25/10.50/15.76 |
Classical method | SVR | 52.03/67.20/77.78 | 5.94/6.84/7.32 | |
Time series | LSTNet [29] | 12.33/18.68/22.90 | 2.09/2.43/2.65 | |
Time series | TST [39] | 21.76/31.05/34.88 | 2.60/3.13/3.28 | |
Time series | MLP [42] | 40.11/46.96/48.67 | 3.59/3.78/3.84 | |
Time series | ResNet [42] | 40.16/44.39/50.49 | 3.81/3.99/4.26 | |
Time series | TCN [43] | 57.74/58.81/59.36 | 4.21/4.29/4.24 | |
TM (entire matrix) | LSTM-FFNN [44] | 26.00/-/- | -/-/- | |
TM (entire matrix) | CRNN [1] | 8.91/9.66/10.25 | 1.47/1.48/1.54 | |
TM (entire matrix) | DCRNN[6] | 24.53/34.02/35.99 | 3.11/3.87/3.99 | |
TM (entire matrix) | STGCN[45] | 31.17/34.13/36.55 | 3.17/3.29/3.49 | |
TM (entire matrix) | MTGNN[27] | 10.60/13.05/15.04 | 1.63/1.76/1.86 | |
TM (flow-by-flow) | LSTM | 7.97/9.65/11.17 | 1.40/1.53/1.67 | |
TM (flow-by-flow) | GRU | 8.59/11.62/12.30 | 1.49/1.70/1.79 | |
TM (flow-by-flow) | Transformer | 8.13/10.02/11.44 | 1.48/1.59/1.72 | |
GÉANT | Classical method | ARIMA | 24.02/48.05/72.09 | 1.47/2.94/4.40 |
Classical method | SVR | 77.62/106.69/115.97 | 8.40/9.35/9.79 | |
Time series | LSTNet [29] | 8.28/9.11/9.38 | 1.05/1.16/1.17 | |
Time series | TST [39] | 12.77/12.93/13.25 | 1.69/1.65/1.69 | |
Time series | MLP [42] | 15.29/16.03/16.34 | 1.38/1.38/1.40 | |
Time series | ResNet [42] | 18.38/20.47/21.38 | 1.97/2.11/2.09 | |
Time series | TCN [43] | 19.24/20.29/21.92 | 1.51/1.56/1.64 | |
TM (entire matrix) | LSTM-FFNN [44] | 5.80/-/- | -/-/- | |
TM (entire matrix) | CRNN [1] | 10.10/10.30/10.50 | 1.00/1.08/1.19 | |
TM (entire matrix) | DCRNN[6] | 15.91/15.97/18.68 | 2.33/2.28/2.52 | |
TM (entire matrix) | STGCN[45] | 11.24/11.58/13.25 | 1.57/1.63/1.64 | |
TM (entire matrix) | MTGNN[27] | 7.35/8.17/8.44 | 1.07/1.11/1.11 | |
TM (flow-by-flow) | LSTM | 3.91/4.80/5.44 | 0.55/0.62/0.64 | |
TM (flow-by-flow) | GRU | 3.92/4.88/5.45 | **0.53/0.61/**0.71 | |
TM (flow-by-flow) | Transformer | 3.99/5.97/6.88 | 0.68/0.93/1.04 |
*more details can be found at pytorch-gpu.yml.
using by-flow down-sampling
using by-time down-sampling
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