- 27 Years Old
- Brazil 🇧🇷
- Software Engineering major as of 2022
- Can speak both English and Brazilian Portuguese fluently.
- User Experience (UX)
- Web Development
- More Linux!
- Web (HTML, CSS, JS)
- Bootstrap
- Mobile development using Flutter
- AngularJS (The older non supported version 😢)
- Working with RESTful APIs (Openweather, company's API, etc...)
- Mostly Java over the course of the major
- Mobile Development with Java
- Desktop Development with Java
- Web Development with Java (I think you're seeing a pattern here?)
- Hibernate
- Object Oriented Programming
- Algorithms, Big O notations, Recursion and all that...
- Python using Pandas library for data analysis
- Some Arduino and IOT programming
- Both SQL (PostgreSQL, SQLite) and NoSQL (MongoDB) Databases
- Played around with tools such as:
- Jenkins
- Docker
- Many other topics that I won't remember from the top of my head
- A bit of Linux, overall usage and configuration (Yes, I have installed Arch at least once)
- Setting up some basic shell scripts for task automations on my Linux machines
- Still trying to learn more things as I go