These are some scripts that I use to setup Debian based distros.
Clone the repository into your system, open the folder and then run the script to start the process.
git clone
cd linuxinstall/
git clone && cd linuxinstall/ && ./
After the
runs, all the other scripts will be moved to the $HOME/.scripts/
folder. The
script also adds an alias for each script, so it can run directly from the terminal without having to access the folder again as a shortcut.
Updates the repositories and then upgrades the packages via apt.
To run, simply type update
on the terminal.
Uses maintenance commands to keep apt clean such as autoremove and autoclean.
To run, simply type clean
on the terminal.
One of my laptop speakers died, so this is a fix I've found for it.
If required, should add as an autostart for your system.
crontab -e
Then add at the end of the file.
@reboot sh $HOME/.scripts/