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chauby / dmp_pp
Forked from mginesi/dmp_ppImplementation of DMP in Python 3.5
chauby / WPG
Forked from zanppa/WPGWalking pattern generation examples using zero moment point method
A LaTeX template for replying to paper reviews
chauby / KMP_demos_python
Forked from lbusellato/KMP_demosKernelized Movement Primitives Python implementation
chauby / BidepWalking_SQD
Forked from 2u121o/BidepWalking_SQDIt reproduces some of the results of bipedal gait generation based on Zero Moment Point with a novel system modeling, named Spatially Quantized Dynamics
Nonlinear MPC and WBC framework for legged robot based on OCS2 and ros-controls
LinYuChi / pymanoid
Forked from stephane-caron/pymanoidHumanoid robotics for OpenRAVE
Code accompanying the paper "Learning Agile Robotic Locomotion Skills by Imitating Animals"
Simulation Software for HECTOR Humanoid Robot (ROS/MATLAB)
congzz / robo-gym
Forked from jr-robotics/robo-gymAn open source toolkit for Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning on real and simulated robots.
Prototyping robots for PyBullet (F1/10 MIT Racecar, Sawyer, Baxter and Dobot arm, Boston Dynamics Atlas and Botlab environment)