DeepLearning-FacialKeypoints Public
Predict keypoint positions on face images using CNN for face recognition, tracking faces in images and video, analysing facial expressions, detecting dysmorphic facial signs for medical diagnosis.
3D reconstruction of masses in the kidney using ultrasound images in Robotic-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy (RAPN)
MachineLearning-HeartDisease Public
Identify trends in heart data to predict certain cardiovascular events or find any clear indications of heart health, using Random Forest ML algorithm.
Python UpdatedJul 8, 2020 -
Body-Dynamics Public
Three-body planet system (Sun, Earth, Moon) - Animation of their motion according to their known orbits - Simulation according to the Newton’s law of Universal Gravitation - Extension to a crucial …
C++ UpdatedJul 2, 2020 -
Haptics-Medical-Simulation Public
Interactive (real-time) simulation in the context of surgery training and planning in Respiratory System. The user is able to interact with a system of virtual highly-realistic and deformable human…