Simon Fraser University
- jmatsushiba.com
- @JMatsushiba
- Pro
R package for distributional modeling in 3 dimensions
🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps 🇺🇦
Positron, a next-generation data science IDE
🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
TODOr - RStudio add-in for finding TODO, FIXME, CHANGED etc. comments in your code.
Dockerized iCloud Client - make a local copy of your iCloud documents and photos, and keep it automatically up-to-date.
MinIO is a high-performance, S3 compatible object store, open sourced under GNU AGPLv3 license.
BIOMOD is a computer platform for ensemble forecasting of species distributions, enabling the treatment of a range of methodological uncertainties in models and the examination of species-environme…
Renderer for 3D Tiles in Javascript using three.js
Multi-Mission Geographical Information System - Web-based Mapping and Spatial Data Infrastructure for Planetary Science Operations - https://nasa-ammos.github.io/MMGIS/
Tools for theming Shiny and R Markdown via Bootstrap 3, 4, or 5.
Generate roxygen2 skeletons populated with information scraped from the function script.
Jobs_Applier_AI_Agent_AIHawk aims to easy job hunt process by automating the job application process. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple jobs in a tailored way.
All code used to assess functional diversity of sharks over the last 66 million years
R package for analysing the climatic niche of a species
Creation of a habitat map using the EUSeaMap approach
A Python package for interactive mapping and geospatial analysis with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment