Borealis Project Diagnostic Dashboard RQT Plugin
Install script for dependencies available(setup.bash), ensure the workspace used is borealis_ws for successful automatic install
Implemented display for planner stages
uwb_msgs (Custom Message Type)
pose_to_path (Fused Odometry visualization package)
borealis_uav_target_publisher (Human odometry to UAV Target conversion package)
mt_msgs (dso custom msgs it is inside src folder)
re (regex, inside default python lib)
pip install PyQt5 catkin_make --only-pkg-with-deps borealis_dashboard
rqt --standalone borealis_dashboard
These topics should be configured in the parameters.yaml file inside config folder
- human_foot_imu_topic : sensor_msgs/IMU
- human_odometry_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
- uav1_odometry_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
- uav1_target_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
- uav2_odometry_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
- uav2_target_topic : nav_msgs/Odometry
- human_uwb_topic : UUBmsg
- uav2_uwb_topic : UUBmsg
- uav1_uwb_topic : UUBmsg
- command_topic: std_msgs/String
These services should be configured in the parameters.yaml file inside config folder
- human_odometry_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- human_odometry_fusion_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- human_glove_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- human_gun_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- human_hri_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- human_drone_yaw_control_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- human_uwb_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- uav1_uwb_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- uav1_datafeed_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- uav2_uwb_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- uav2_datafeed_enable_service : std_srvs/SetBool
- command_topic: std_msgs/String
- recorded_topics : String List (List of topics to be recorded)
- saved_directory : Path (ROS Bag saving directory)
- follow_me_cmd : String
- go_cmd : String
Before running the dashboard, make sure you configure the "recorded_topics" and "saved_directory" parameters in config/parameters.yaml file. These parameters relate to the rosbag recording for the experiment.