- Aachen, Germany
- http://justyouraveragehacker.wordpress.com/
EntityX - A fast, type-safe C++ Entity-Component system
Scaloid makes your Android code easy to understand and maintain.
bbatsov / god-mode
Forked from emacsorphanage/god-modeGlobal minor mode for entering Emacs commands without modifier keys
Prototype of a game for a university course
Serializable functions in Clojure
Clojure to Scheme to C to the bare metal.
This is a clone of mz2's boostoniphone repo, containing a fix that renames boost nil to nil_, in order to not clash with Objective C's nil (iPhone et al).
This is a clone of mz2's boostoniphone repo, containing a fix that renames boost nil to nil_, in order to not clash with Objective C's nil (iPhone et al).
MHOOO / fnparse
Forked from js-choi/fnparseA library for creating functional parsers in Clojure.
DEPRECATED SEE BELOW Gradual typing for Clojure
Like seesaw, but for the web using Google Closure
Easy logging configuration for Clojure.
MHOOO / planet.clojure
Forked from ghoseb/planet.clojureSource code for Planet Clojure
Validation of arguments through deducing type from name.
Easy logging configuration for Clojure.
MHOOO / osc-clj
Forked from overtone/osc-cljAn Open Sound Control library for Clojure.
Forked from hyperandroid/CAATCanvas Advanced Animation Toolkit
MHOOO / incanter
Forked from incanter/incanterClojure-based, R-like statistical computing and graphics environment for the JVM
MHOOO / vijual
Forked from overtone/vijualGraph Layout Library For Clojure
MHOOO / swank-clojure
Forked from technomancy/swank-clojureSwank/slime support for clojure
MHOOO / clojurejs
Forked from kriyative/clojurejsA naive Clojure to javascript translator
MHOOO / seesaw
Forked from clj-commons/seesawPrimordial Clojure User Interface Thingy
Seesaw turns the Horror of Swing into a friendly, well-documented, Clojure library
MHOOO / clj-httpc
Forked from retiman/clj-httpcAn idiomatic Clojure http client wrapping the Apache client
retiman / clj-httpc
Forked from dakrone/clj-httpAn idiomatic Clojure http client thinly wrapping the Apache client.
overtone / vijual
Forked from samaaron/vijualGraph Layout Library For Clojure