- Russia, Moscow.
- [email protected]
nanoSearch Public
A system for finding the optimal path in the area for the construction of long-distance highways. The calculation takes into account the fines for each object.
MIT License UpdatedJan 20, 2024 -
Telegrapher Public
Personal project for creating one-page sites (articles) and searching for them.
Cad Public
The code written in c# without the use of specialized libraries that implements the voxel and polygonal type of work.
1 UpdatedFeb 19, 2023 -
Reserve-copy Public
A backup tool for changes to folders with files from a connected database.
1 UpdatedFeb 18, 2023 -
Heroku-NodeJS Public
Task on the subject of WEB and database
Memorization through retraining with a seam algorithm.
Battleship-repo Public
Sea battle is a personal project to enrich knowledge. The structure of the client-server application with external display on the client side in FORM is used. The server is designed as a console ap…
Test-task Public
Repository with test tasks (boundary control).
PictureConsole Public
Outputting images to the console.
Array-sorting Public
An array sorting library is presented and a brief explanation of the algorithm how it happened
Beam-load-calculation Public
Calculation of the load of the beam number 49.
microprocessor-in-Logisim Public
A school project that has been lying on the floor for a long time
1 UpdatedFeb 19, 2022 -
API-inventor-core-functions. Public
All teacher lessons on using basic functions Autodesk Inventor c++
The essence of this repository is to create a prototype system that works on the basis of the previous sorting library and selects the optimal algorithm for this.
Noise-filters Public
Algorithms for filtering input data from noise and outliers.
VPN Public
Lab work on the layout of the vpn site.
Vise-00- Public
The vice is designed for clamping shafts and other cylindrical parts with a diameter of up to 29 mm when milling key slots, foxes, etc.
1 UpdatedDec 8, 2021