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Dotfiles for awesome people using the awesomewm linux environment

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Iceberg Awesome



  1. Details
  2. Features
  3. Dependencies
  4. Installation
  5. Folder Structure
  6. My Preferred Applications
  7. Application Theming
  8. Keybinds
  9. Notes


  • OS: Fedora 32
  • Shell: ZSH
  • WM: awesome
  • Theme: oomox-iceb
  • Icons: Tela Blue
  • Cursor: Bibata
  • Terminal: Alacritty


  • Super lightweight
  • Easy installation / configuration
  • Very few dependencies
  • Wallpaper auto-blur functionality
  • Exit screen
  • Borders around active window
  • Taglist shows only active workspace and not empty ones
  • Locking (via slock)
  • Automatic dpi / resolution scaling
    • Note that xft.dpi must be properly assigned in the .Xresources file if you are using a high DPI screen
  • Supports multi monitor setups!
  • i3-like keybinds
  • Very stable: Built off of the awesome 4.3 release, no bleeding edge git versions required here!


I have made my best effort to reduce the number of dependencies by using the awesome API to its fullest extent, and allowing users to edit the apps.lua file (see installation section) to define their own preferred applications. That being said, here are the dependencies.

Dependency Description
awesome Window manager
feh Fast image viewer used as wallpaper setting utility
picom Window compositor, eliminates screen tearing and allows for cool fade effects
rofi Application launcher
slock Used to lock the screen
imagemagick OPTIONAL BUT NEEDED IF USING A DIFFERENT BACKGROUND, used in config to generate blurred wallpaper

Optional Dependencies

These will improve the user experience but aren't required: Bear in mind that most of these dependencies come preinstalled on non arch systems. I would recommend reading their descriptions below to determine which ones you need to install. Alternatively, set up my config and install the packages based on what isn't appearing in the top panel.

  • acpi: Battery managing cli application, used by top bar widget to determine battery status
  • xfce4-power-manager: Lightweight power manager spawned when the top panel battery icon is clicked
  • bluez: Bluetooth cli application, used by top bar widget to determine if bluetooth is on
  • blueman: Bluetooth managing application, spawns in the bluetooth top panel
  • nm-connection-editor: GUI wifi connection editor, spawns in the top panel
  • gnome-screenshot: Screenshot tool, which is mapped to the Print Screen key in keys.lua.
  • alsa-utils: Provides kernel driven sound drivers, which the control of has been mapped to volume keys in keys.lua
  • xbacklight: Controls display brightness, which the control of has been mapped to brightness keys in keys.lua

Fonts You Should Install

  • SF Pro Text: System font
  • Inconsolata: Terminal font.


  1. Ensure all dependencies are met
  2. Clone this repository and place its contents into your .config folder (except theme, it goes to .themes)
  3. navigate to the awesome/wallpaper folder and place your desired wallpaper there, ensuring that it is named wallpaper. One awesome (pun intended) feature of my config is that the filetype of the wallpaper can be any image filetype and it will automatically recognize it. Remember to delete the blurredWallpaper file in order to make the blurring script recognize a new wallpaper has been added and needs to be blurred
  4. edit the apps.lua file to define your desired default and startup applications
  5. optional: edit the keys.lua file to change / add keybinds

Awesome Folder File Structure

In order to avoid a poorly organized rc.lua spanning thousands of lines, it has been split into multiple files / folders:

  • rc.lua: Contains the script that runs when awesome starts (essentially links all the other files together)
  • apps.lua: Contains the default and startup applications
  • keys.lua: Contains keybinds
  • rules.lua: Contains window rules
  • theme.lua: Contains theme variables
  • tags.lua: Contains tag (aka workspace) information, edit this to change the tag's icon and behaviour
  • icons: stores icons used in WM
  • components: Folder that contains all of the components of the WM, such as panels, volume and brightness sliders, notification pop-ups, etc
  • widgets: Stores widgets used in the functionality of the components
  • wallpaper: Where wallpaper and its blurred varient is generated / stored

My Preferred Applications

  • Text Editor - Micro: It's just cool and easy to use
  • File Manager - Thunar: One of the most lightweight gui file browser and it has very few dependencies (works better with thunar-archive-plugin)
  • Archive Manager - File-roller: It just works
  • Web Browser - Firefox: Super configurable and isn't made by Google
  • Terminal - Alacritty: Faster than kitty and more customizable than st
  • Theme / Look & Feel Manager - lxappearance: makes managing icon / cursor / application themes easy, only theme manager with no DE dependencies, and works very well
  • Task Manager - Lxtask: Very few dependences and super lightweight

Other cool applications you should install

  • redshift: Changed screen warmth based on the time of day
  • neofetch: Displays system information in the terminal

Application Theming


  1. Install oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Change the zsh theme to powerlevel10k
  • Install powerlevel10k with the command below:
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
  • Open ~/.zshrc with your fave text editor
  • Set ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k" and save the file
  1. Install Plugins (Note that the ~/.zshrc edits are already done in this repo)
  • Syntax highlighting (copy and paste the below command to install)
    git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
    • Edit ~/.zshrc, add zsh-syntax-highlighting to the plugins section
  • Autosuggestions (copy and paste the below command to install)
    git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
    • Edit ~/.zshrc, add zsh-autosuggestions to the plugins section
  1. Done! Reopen the terminal to view the fruit of your labor


Note that the modkey is set to be the windows / command key. If you would like to use a different modkey check out the keys.lua file. If you are new to awesomewm, note that tag refers to workspace, and client refers to window.


  • mod + enter: Spawn terminal
  • mod + s: Show help menu
  • mod + d: Spawn rofi (an application menu)
  • mod + F11: Make client fullscreen
  • mod + m: Maximize client
  • mod + n: Minimize client
  • mod + shift + n: Unminimize client
  • mod + [1-9]: Switch to tag [1-9]
  • mod + shift + [1-9]: Move client to tag [1-9]
  • mod + space: Change the tag layout, alternating between tiled, floating, and maximized
  • mod + [up / down / left / right / h / j / k / l]: Change client by direction
  • mod + Control + [up / down / left / right / h / j / k / l]: Resize client by direction
  • mod + Escape: Show exit screen


  • mod + drag with left click: Move client
  • mod + drag with right click: Resize client


  • Awesome API Documentation
  • If you encounter any problems please open an issue in this repo and I will gladly investigate it
  • If you would like to change the wallpaper, ensure that the wallpaper is named "wallpaper" and is located in the ~/.config/awesome folder. Also ensure that you delete the blurred wallpaper file in order for the blurring script to recognize it needs to generate a new blurred wallpaper
  • This is a fork of this project, go take a look at his work too!


Dotfiles for awesome people using the awesomewm linux environment






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  • Lua 58.1%
  • SCSS 37.6%
  • Shell 4.1%
  • CSS 0.2%