Schizophrend6 / bsc-ecosystem
Forked from bnb-chain/bsc-ecosystemA guide to available tools, components, and platforms for developing applications on BSC.
CLI tool for Smart Contract error tracking, monitoring and alerting.
Neptune Mutual Token | NEP is the governance token of Neptune Mutual Platform
BNB holders can register to stake their liquidity to withdraw free NEPs daily for 30 days (Community Incentives, NEP Token Design)
Send 0 BNB to this smart contract to register for your bounty awards.
NEP pool consists of single asset and liquidity pair farms. Under single asset farming, you can deposit BNB, CAKE, and NEP whereas you can also deposit NEP-BUSD, NEP-BNB, and NEP-USDT LP tokens fro…
Schizophrend6 / nep-bond
Forked from ArtZBr/nep-bondNeptune Mutual platform users can benefit from the NEP bond pool by locking their cryptocurrency to create liquidity pairs in PancakeSwap Exchange. After the specified lockup period, you can withdr…
Schizophrend6 / cake-farm
Forked from MyoThuHtay/cake-farmCake farm is a part of the NEP pool. This contract farms CAKE in PancakeSwap and rewards users with NEP tokens. Check `nep-pool` repository for more info.
Schizophrend6 / flatsol
Forked from neptune-mutual/flatsolThis is a zero-dependency and lightweight Solidity flattener. This tool combines any given Solidity file's dependency and prints out the value in the shell.
Delayed (time lock) invoker of smart contracts with Recovery mechanism
Schizophrend6 / solidoc2
Forked from neptune-mutual/solidoc2Solidity Documentation Generator
Neptune Mutual Cover Protocol
Neptune Mutual website
An example project showcasing how you can use the Neptune Mutual SDK