This is an OpenCV package for simulating RGB-D sensor such as Kinect or Xtion sesor noise as described in the following paper:
A Benchmark for RGB-D Visual Odometry , 3D Reconstruction and SLAM. Ankur Handa, Thomas Whelan, John McDonald, Andrew J. Davison In ICRA, 2014
- OpenCV 3.0
- Boost
- Eigen
- Sophus
Make sure you have all dependency installed correctly.
$ git clone ...
$ cd rgbd_simulation
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
- Download the noise free RGB-D data from ICL dataset.
- Extract the file into a folder. (tar -xvf living.tar.gz).
- Edit line 159 - 160 to specify the input and output folder.
- compile again and excute the code.
$ make
$ ./ICL
The left is the original depth map and right is depth map with simulated kinect noise added.