Example script and necessary functions to perform curvelet denoising using MATLAB
A notebook to make some maps of Mars using pygmt
Crafting 3D maps of Antarctica with PyGMT and the new IBCSO V2 data
Collection of GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) scripts, jupyter notebooks (using PyGMT) and files (including digitized map content, colormaps, grid files etc.)
QuakeFlow: A Scalable Deep-learning-based Earthquake Monitoring Workflow with Cloud Computing
A ready-to-go Python toolbox for seismic data analysis
MCMTpy is a Python package designed for seismic source study. It provides functionality for focal mechanism inversion and source parameters analysis.
Unsupervised clustering of seismic signals
Seismicity Clustering Analysis Based on nearest neighbor distances of event pairs
Python module of earthquake clustering algorithm of Zaliapin et al.
A simple academic obsidian vault template for graduate student.
Development Environment Setup - now located at
Learn LaTeX from scratch in an easy-to-follow but highly effective way. Get up to the level of professional document writeup, presentation creation and even generating graphics and figures in LaTeX.
This is a repository for latex settings in vscode