A driver provides ROS support for techman robots. TM5_700 is available for ROS Indigo.
Thes packages were orignially fork from kentsai0319, yhtsai
Maintainer: Howard Chen, Yueh Chuan, Yu-Hsien Chang
Environment: ubuntu14.04 ROS indigo
- Action interface on /follow_joint_trajectory for seamless integration with MoveIt
- Publishes robot joint state on /joint_states
- Publishes TCP position on /tool_position
- Publishes TCP velocity on /tool_velocity
- Publishes TCP force on /wrench
- Service call to set outputs on /tm_driver/set_io
First set up a catkin workspace (see this tutorials).
Then clone the repository into the src/ folder. It should look like /path/to/your/catkin_workspace/src/techman_robot.
Make sure to source the correct setup file according to your workspace hierarchy, then use catkin_make
to compile.
Note that this package depends on hardware_interface, and controller_manager.
To bring up moveit environment in simulation mode, run:
roslaunch tm700_moveit_config tm700_moveit_planning_execution.launch
set up networking:
- Click on the network settings (double-arrow in the title bar) and select Edit Connections
- Locate the new connection (mine was Wired Connection 1) and select Edit. Under the IPv4 tab, set:
- address = (or similar)
- netmask =
- Connect an ethernet cable and try to ping your connected robot:
To bring up moveit environment and connect to real robot, run:
roslaunch tm700_moveit_config tm700_moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=False obot_ip:=
- To bring up the simulated robot in Gazebo, run:
roslaunch tm_gazebo tm700.launch
- To bring up the simulation in Gazebo with MoveIt-rviz
roslaunch tm_gazebo tm700_gazebo_moveit.launch
Control the robot in real world or Gazebo
rosrun tm700_test tm700_test