Techman Robot Inc.
- Taoyuan, Taiwan
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/yu-hsien-chang-948b16165
Monitor instagram user account and automatically post new images to discord channel via a webhook. Working 2022!
Scrape Facebook public pages without an API key
Open Data, more than 50 financial data. 提供超過 50 個金融資料(台股為主),每天更新 https://finmind.github.io/
Cross Stage Partial Networks
Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. Python, OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow. Exercises and Solutions to accompany Sutton's Book and David Silver's course.
Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
Robot Learning of Shifting Objects for Grasping in Cluttered Environments
An Iterative Closest Point (ICP) library for 2D and 3D mapping in Robotics
C++ implementation of the Coherent Point Drift point set registration algorithm.
ROS Package for PhoXi Scanner/Camera. If you like us, STAR US! :P
3D Pose Estimation based on point clouds
Easy to use and accurate hand eye calibration which has been working reliably for years (2016-present) with kinect, kinectv2, rgbd cameras, optical trackers, and several robots including the ur5 an…
SNIPER / AutoFocus is an efficient multi-scale object detection training / inference algorithm
Models and examples built with TensorFlow
GUI for marking bounded boxes of objects in images for training neural network Yolo v3 and v2
ROS wrapper for darknet (YOLO V2) with OpenCV 3 and Kinetic support
Guanghan / darknet
Forked from pjreddie/darknetConvolutional Neural Networks
A simple tool for labeling object bounding boxes in images
LabelImg is now part of the Label Studio community. The popular image annotation tool created by Tzutalin is no longer actively being developed, but you can check out Label Studio, the open source …
YOLO ROS: Real-Time Object Detection for ROS