A level editor capable of saving a graph to a pickle file which a programmer can easily rebuild in their custom format. It has the ability of undo/redo. No longer is there a need to procedurally po…
Visual node-based editor for DAGs. Very old code here.
Python library to create node editors using cairo.
A simple 2D node editor. Experimenting with wireless sensor network editing/visualization. Just a quick timewaste..
New official repository:
Video node editor for Kodi
Python 3 port of ALGOholic's QNodesEditor
A flexible and modular Node Editor Framework for creating node based displays and editors in Unity
Simple graph editor that can read and write the graphml format
Qt Node Editor. Dataflow programming framework
Node-based data application for visualization and generative design
A general-purpose, circular node graph GUI using Qt
severin-lemaignan / boxology
Forked from nwaniek/qt5-node-editorA node-based tool to prototype robotic architectures
Qt5 suite that supports displaying and editing nodes in a graph-like flow. Similar to Unreal Kismet, Frostbite 3 Schematics or Allegorithmic Substance Designer UIs.
Mirror of Kurt Rathjen's Studio Library for Maya
Animation picker tool for Maya, using PyQt/Pyside
A Generic N Dimentions Radial Basis Interpolation solver in KL
Vixen is a Version Control System and Asset Management Tool for Autodesk Maya
A maya tool for exporting an importing animation as fast and convenient as possible.
A set of tool for maya designed to handle character deformation effectively