Framework for estimating DCE-MRI physiological parameters.
Based on the master thesis: DCE-MRI parameter estimation using a physics-based deep learning approach
To create the environment dce in anaconda, the following command can be used:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Executing the framework on simulations can be done using
usage: [--nn] [--layers] [--lr] [--batch_size] [--attention]
[--bidirectional] [--supervised] [--results]
optional arguments:
--nn neural network to use - linear / lstm / gru
--layers number and size of layers - linear: neurons_layer_1 neurons_layer_2 ...
- lstm/gru: hidden_dimension stacked_layers
--lr learning rate - float
--batch_size batch size - int
--attention option to include attention layers for lstm/gru
--bidirectional option to include bidirectionality for lstm/gru
--supervised option to train on ground truth parameters
--results option to perform evaluation on network using different SNR (must be trained first)
More hyperparameters are stored in
Results of the trained frameworks can be obtained by executing
To construct a dataset, is used that stores DCE-MRI signals with a dimension of (Slices, Width, Height, Length).
Training on the dataset is done with
usage: [--nn] [--layers] [--lr] [--batch_size]
[--optim] [--dual_path] [--bidirectional]
[--pretrained] [--cpu]
optional arguments:
--nn neural network to use - linear / lstm / gru / convlin / unet / convgru
--layers number and size of layers - linear: neuron_layer_1 neuron_layer_2 ...
- lstm/gru: hidden_dimension stacked_layers
- convlin: input_channels_1 input_channels_2 ...
- unet: first_input_channel depth
- convgru: hidden_dimension_1 hidden_dimension_2 ...
--lr learning rate - float
--batch_size batch size - int
--optim optimizer - adam / sgd / adagrad
--dual_path option to create a convolution linear architecture with a dual pathway
--bidirectional option to include bidirectionality for lstm/gru/ConvGRU
--pretrained option to train further on a pretrained model
--cpu option to switch to cpu
Executing calculates the RMSE, nRMSE and SSIM compared to the input signals. The results are stored in patient_results.csv
The same arguments are used as in to specify on which network the similarity is calculated.
Executing shows the parameter maps created from different specified frameworks.
Executing creates bland-altman plots from the specified frameworks and the non-linear least squares method.
The same arguments are used as in to specify from which network the bland_altman plots are created.