- Pro
Official Implementation of the paper: "A Distractor-Aware Memory for Visual Object Tracking with SAM2"
Tabular data imputation and generation via incremental XGBoost unmasking
Official implementation of the paper "Tabular Data Generation using Binary Diffusion", accepted to 3rd Table Representation Learning Workshop @ NeurIPS 2024
[ECCV24] Keypoint Promptable Re-Identification: SOTA ReID method robust to occlusions and multi-person ambiguity
A package for benchmarking synthetic relational data generation methods
This package implements the RC-TGAN method, which generates synthetic data from a relational database.
Reproduction of "Learning with Noisy Labels Revisited: A Study Using Real-World Human Annotations"
Modern normalizing flows in Python. Simple to use and easily extensible.
OpenMMLab Pose Estimation Toolbox and Benchmark.
This is an official implementation of our CVPR 2023 paper "Human Pose as Compositional Tokens" (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.11638.pdf)
Real-Time and Accurate Full-Body Multi-Person Pose Estimation&Tracking System