Starred repositories
使用SpringBoot + SpringCloudAlibaba(正在重构中)搭建的金融类微服务项目-万信金融. 万信金融是一个P2P(person-to-person)金融平台, 采用银行存管模式, 为用户提供方便, 快捷, 安心的P2P金融服务. 项目包括交易平台和业务支撑两个部分, 交易平台主要实现理财服务, 包括: 借钱, 出借等模块; 业务支撑包括: 标的管理, 对账管理, 风控…
Elliptic++ Dataset: A Graph Network of Bitcoin Blockchain Transactions and Wallet Addresses
BERT4ETH: A Pre-trained Transformer for Ethereum Fraud Detection (WWW23)
Unconfirmed Bitcoin Transaction Adjustment Tool. Edit outputs of unconfirmed transactions.
Active network alignment: a matching-based approach
Social Network Analysis (Facebook, Twitter and Google+)
OpenDAMP (open Digital Advertising Measurement Platform) a framework for mobile and desktop weblog analysis of digital advertising
The most advanced browser fingerprinting library.
A web app to restore the bookmarks you encounter based on Flask.
Data Acquisition for Building Knowledge Graph: Blockchain
Advanced Big Data Project: Blockchain Knowledge Graph & Social Network Analysis
A high-performance tool for blockchain science and exploration
🏦 银行笔试面试经验分享及资料分享(help you pass the bank interview, and get a amazing bank offer!)
Sentiment analysis on Amazon Review Dataset available at
This dataset contains 207,572 books from the, Inc. marketplace.
Machine Learning - MNIST Stacked Autoencoder (Image reconstructor) with Keras
PyTorch implementation of DEC (Deep Embedding Clustering)
A set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc.
These projects relate to using an Adjacency List for Breadth First Search, Kruskal's Algorithm, and Dijkstra's Algorithm
A collection of algorithms and data structures