Reservoir Computing for prediction of timeseries of food insecurity.
Running Reservoir Computing The current repo doesn't require any installation. It can be run directly after installing the required packages using:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
This assumes the version of python used is 3.9. Dependencies can be installed in a virtual/conda environment.
Furthermore, you will need to clone and install the rescomp
package by running:
git clone
cd rescomp
pip install .
Complete instructions can be found in the docs for the package. Running Keras Based model (CNN, LSTM) The rescomp librabry is incompatible with keras because of the required version for nunmpy. To run the deep learning algorithms follow the instructions:
python -m pip install -r requirements_deep_learning.txt
Once again this assumes the version of python used is 3.9. Dependencies can be installed in a virtual/conda environment.
Data to train the models can be found for each country in data/<country>/full_timeseries_daily.csv
The Model class is set up to read from these files when loading the training data.
Therefore, shall the data need to be updated, we suggest keeping the same name and format of the current file.
Reservoir Computing
To generate forecasts for a chosen country and model, just pass the following arguments to the function forecast
- country: name of the chosen country;
- first_forecast: first day to be forecasted (NB: can be at max the day following last available day for target data);
- constants: list of discrete/categorical secondary data to be used to train the model;
- variables: list of continuous secondary data to be used to train the model;
- hyperparameters: dict of hyperparameters needed for the model;
- forecast_window: number of days to forecast for.
Follow the steps in the
function found in and
A dictionary with example arguments for Haiti can be imported from the file, to be passed to this function.
To generate forecasts for monthly test splits, using the best parameters found for the chosen model at each of these,
run the function forecast_from_file
in the
- country: name of the chosen country;
- model: name of the model, i.e.
, to be used to read from the correct file of parameters in folder best_hyperparameters.