Not the most comprehensive guide for FINESST proposals—links, tips, guide, and examples. **Keywords:** NASA, FINESST, Resources, Guide, Fellowship, Funding, Graduate, Proposal, Research, Earth scie…
Fast and memory-efficient exact attention
Pointcept: a codebase for point cloud perception research. Latest works: PTv3 (CVPR'24 Oral), PPT (CVPR'24), OA-CNNs (CVPR'24), MSC (CVPR'23)
[ICCV2021] Official code for "Channel-wise Topology Refinement Graph Convolution for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition"
yysijie / st-gcn
Forked from open-mmlab/mmskeletonSpatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks (ST-GCN) for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition in PyTorch
A toolbox for skeleton-based action recognition.
OpenMMLab Pose Estimation Toolbox and Benchmark.
Jupyter notebook tutorials for mmpose
OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation