11/18/16 jack update: scripts and an explanation can be found in my update. i implemented the game manager, fixed some physics bugs, cleaned up lens enabling, updated ui transitions, and created tutorials (exported as an asset package, can be found on dropbox).
Vivid 11/14/2016 Aden, Charles, Jack, Chris, Xu, Mike
This repository holds the scripts used in our video game, VIVID.
As of 11/14/16, the three scripts most important to keep track of are:
applied to the character controller, changes the color of light and objects
and calls on_update
also applied to the character controller, changes the physics of
platform type objects based on their color.
NOTE: plats must be cubes with rigidbodies
also applied to the character controller, changes the physics of
'interactable' type objects based on their color.
NOTE: intrs must be cylinders or capsules with rigidbodies
Upcoming changes:
Implement a gamemangager to set up levels and transition between scenes
Implement the UI
Implement deaths and level transitions
To Consider:
Expand this repository to include prefabs, materials, and art/textures
New Object Type with simple AI behavior?
Ability to pick up and put down certain objects?