- Navi Mumbai
- @antariksh_ray
- Pro
CMAPI Public
An API based on Node.js, that fetches data from Mongo DB for Chief Ministers and their affiliations.
TypeScript UpdatedNov 14, 2024 -
wave-portal-solidity Public
A solidity app to enable users on blockchain to wave.
teach-me-java-conventions Public
Forked from mr-nano/teach-me-java-conventionsHTML UpdatedFeb 27, 2022 -
FourBallOOPS Public
A java Gradle based app that uses processing to create graphics of four balls in OOPS programming
Java UpdatedFeb 27, 2022 -
Java-Processing-Procedural Public
A Java Gradle project usiing the Processing Library implementation on Procedural Programming
Java UpdatedFeb 18, 2022 -
InvoiceDatePrediction Public
Invoice Date prediction using pre-processing and Machine Learning
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 24, 2021 -
FintechDashboard Public
A Fin-tech dashboard app using Java servlets to display and edit Invoice.
Java UpdatedJul 24, 2021 -
FintechB2B Public
A Fin-tech dashboard app using Java servlets to display and edit Invoice.
UpdatedJul 24, 2021 -
RichPanelDashboard Public
A dashboard Built using React.js, Next.js, Blueprint.js, Facebook Graph API
JavaScript UpdatedJul 23, 2021 -
covid19india-react Public
Forked from covid19india/covid19india-reactTracking the impact of COVID-19 in India
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 24, 2021 -
FarmerManagementSys Public
A farmer mangement system for Academic project, using Python3, sqlite3, pyQt5.
Python UpdatedMay 3, 2021 -
Shopping-Cart---Firebase Public
A Shopping Cart app using Redux, Firebase along with authentication and order mapping.
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 9, 2021 -
material-kit-react Public
Forked from creativetimofficial/material-kit-reactMaterial Kit React Version
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2020 -
material-ui Public
Forked from mui/material-uiReact components for faster and easier web development. Build your own design system, or start with Material Design.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2020 -
react-otp-input Public
Forked from devfolioco/react-otp-input✔️ OTP Input Component for React
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 3, 2020 -
kcd-discord-bot Public
Forked from kentcdodds/kcd-discord-bot-v1JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
React-Design-Date-Picker Public
Forked from johannesoak/React-Design-Date-PickerA React date picker for use in functional components.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
Number-Game-ReactNative Public
A Number game designed using React Native
JavaScript UpdatedJul 6, 2020 -