mlops-templates Public
Forked from Azure/mlops-templatesAzure MLOps (v2) solution accelerators. Enterprise ready templates to deploy your machine learning models on the Azure Platform.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 13, 2023 -
azure4everyone-samples Public
Forked from MarczakIO/azure4everyone-samplesTSQL UpdatedFeb 12, 2022 -
XLM Public
Forked from facebookresearch/XLMPyTorch original implementation of Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining.
Python Other UpdatedJun 9, 2020 -
cornac Public
Forked from PreferredAI/cornacA collection of recommendation algorithms and comparisons for Easy, Effective and Efficient experiments.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 9, 2020 -
deepracer-for-dummies Public
Forked from aws-deepracer-community/deepracer-for-clouda quick way to get up and running with local deepracer training environment
Shell UpdatedMar 11, 2020 -
deepracer Public
Forked from aws-deepracer-community/deepracer-coreA repo for running deepracer locally
Mathematica Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 9, 2020 -
Realistic-Neural-Talking-Head-Models Public
Forked from vincent-thevenin/Realistic-Neural-Talking-Head-ModelsMy implementation of Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models (Egor Zakharov et al.).
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 29, 2020 -
talking-heads Public
Forked from grey-eye/talking-headsOur implementation of "Few-Shot Adversarial Learning of Realistic Neural Talking Head Models" (Egor Zakharov et al.)
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 4, 2019 -
ConvMF Public
Forked from cartopy/ConvMFCode for our paper Convolutaional Matrix Factorization for Document Context-Aware Recommendation (RecSys 2016)
Python UpdatedJul 10, 2017 -
yelp_dataset_challenge Public
Forked from titipata/yelp_dataset_challengePlay around with Yelp dataset in Python (in progress and very messy repo)
Python UpdatedDec 6, 2016 -
python-topic-model Public
Forked from dongwookim-ml/python-topic-modelImplementation of various topic models
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 14, 2016