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jemsbhai authored Sep 11, 2022
1 parent d85f5a6 commit 95181ee
Showing 1 changed file with 257 additions and 0 deletions.
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions backendandandsomehardware/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
from flask import Flask, request, abort, Response
from flask import redirect
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse
from flask_cors import CORS
from flask import render_template
import json
import sharesteadySmartContract as shalgo
import pymongo

from hashlib import sha256

aclient = shalgo.init_algo()
greenhousepri, greenhousepub = shalgo.get_account(" REDACTED prosper")
plantpri, plantpub = shalgo.get_account("REDACTED")

rate = 1000 ##price of carbon credits, per microAlgos

def initdb():

client = pymongo.MongoClient("")

# mongostr = "mongodb+srv://redacted"
# client = pymongo.MongoClient(mongostr)
db = client["shellhacks2022"]

return client, db

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
return render_template("MNMT.html")

def about():
return """
<h1 style='color: red;'>I'm a red H1 heading!</h1>
<p>This is a lovely little paragraph</p>
<code>Flask is <em>awesome</em></code>"""

@app.route("/processcarbonator", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def paybill():

global aclient, greenhousepub, plantpub, plantpri, rate

totalval = 0
client, db = initdb()
uvals = []

col = db.regs

for x in col.find():
totalval += x['dep'] *rate
uv = {}
uv['userid'] = x['userid']
uv['val'] = x['dep'] * rate
uvals.append (uv)

##update dep
col.update_one({"regid":x['regid']}, {"$set": {"dep":0}})
rate = rate /2 ##progressive

rate = 1000 ##reset

totalval = int(totalval)
print (totalval)
gen, gh, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, fee = shalgo.init2(aclient)

stx = shalgo.sendAmount(plantpub, fee, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, gh, greenhousepub, totalval, plantpri)
shalgo.confirmTransaction(aclient, stx)

print("carbon credits sequestered")

##now refund everyone

col = db.users

for x in col.find():
# dep = x['deposit']
ref = 0
for y in uvals:
if y['userid'] == x['id']:
ref = x['staked'] - y['val']
upub = x['public']
ref = int(ref)

stx = shalgo.sendAmount(plantpub, fee, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, gh, upub, ref, plantpri)
shalgo.confirmTransaction(aclient, stx)

print ("refund for "+x['name'] + " paid")

col.update_one({"userid":y['userid']}, {"$set": {"staked":0}})

res = request.get_json()
print (res)

resraw = request.get_data()
print (resraw)

## args = request.args
## form = request.form
## values = request.values

## print (args)
## print (form)
## print (values)

## sres = request.form.to_dict()

status = {}
status["server"] = "up"
status["request"] = res
status["paidamount"] = totalval

statusjson = json.dumps(status)


js = "<html> <body>OK THIS WoRKS</body></html>"

resp = Response(statusjson, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
##resp.headers['Link'] = ''

return resp

@app.route("/stakeandsequester", methods=['POST'])
def makedepositl():

res = request.get_json()
print (res)

resraw = request.get_data()
print (resraw)

global aclient, plantpub, rate

totalval = 0
client, db = initdb()
uvals = []

col = db.users

for x in col.find():
if x['id'] == res['userid']:
## upub1 = x['public']
amt = int(res['amount'])
mne = x['mnemonic']
print (mne)
upri, upub = shalgo.get_account(mne)

print (upub)
## if upub != upub1:
## print ("errorred")
## break

gen, gh, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, fee = shalgo.init2(aclient)

stx = shalgo.sendAmount(upub, fee, first_valid_round, last_valid_round, gh, plantpub, amt, upri)
shalgo.confirmTransaction(aclient, stx)
print("deposit made")

odep = int(x['staked'])
ndep = odep + amt
ndep = str(ndep)

col.update_one({"id":x['id']}, {"$set": {"staked":ndep}})

## args = request.args
## form = request.form
## values = request.values

## print (args)
## print (form)
## print (values)

## sres = request.form.to_dict()

status = {}
status["server"] = "up"
status["request"] = res

statusjson = json.dumps(status)


js = "<html> <body>OK THIS WoRKS</body></html>"

resp = Response(statusjson, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
##resp.headers['Link'] = ''

return resp

@app.route("/dummyJson", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def dummyJson():

res = request.get_json()
print (res)

resraw = request.get_data()
print (resraw)

## args = request.args
## form = request.form
## values = request.values

## print (args)
## print (form)
## print (values)

## sres = request.form.to_dict()

status = {}
status["server"] = "up"
status["request"] = res

statusjson = json.dumps(status)


js = "<html> <body>OK THIS WoRKS</body></html>"

resp = Response(statusjson, status=200, mimetype='application/json')
##resp.headers['Link'] = ''

return resp

if __name__ == '__main__':
#, host = '', port = 8090), host = 'localhost', port = 8090) ##change hostname here

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