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Nim translation of Scott Wlaschin's "Designing with types" series
Language with a bytecode compiler that can run on computers with only a few kB of RAM.
The Wren Programming Language. Wren is a small, fast, class-based concurrent scripting language.
Simple account management for Startr-WEB-Spaces
Draw railroad diagrams of EBNF grammars. In browser and on command line
A cube wireframe renderer in a 45x45 python script
Minimal operating system for x86 intended as a basis for benchmarking and running Gambit
A small nanopass compiler from a subset of Scheme to C. (Developed for Clojure Conj 2013)
Collaborative whiteboard based on bigpicture.js
harfangk / elm-bignum
Forked from chain-partners/elm-bignum
Create an affordable and accessible automatic coop door using ESP32. DIY your chicken coop with customizable behavior based on time and light levels. Control it through a dedicated Bluetooth-enable…
The new nanopass framework; an embedded DSL for writing compilers in Scheme
The new nanopass framework; an embedded DSL for writing compilers in Scheme
schism-lang / schism
Forked from google/schismA self-hosting Scheme to WebAssembly compiler
Binary rational numbers in Coq [maintainer=@herbelin]
This project reimplements in Elm the data structures presented in the book "Purely Functional Data Structures" by Professor Okasaki (1999). Okasaki first published this material in 1996 in his PhD …
A simple FORTH compiler created with M4 macros for Z80 assembler and ZX Spectrum.
Standard Forth system for ZX Spectrum 128 and compatible computers, with disk drives.
A Clojure implementation of exact arithmetics for computable numbers on the Stern-Brocot tree.
An interpreter for the 1991 Oriel scripting language