耕莘護專 ~ 示範的3D口罩折法(Jash-good-idea-20200304-001)
Learning Resources And Links Of Machine Learning(updating)
Fast-BEV: A Fast and Strong Bird’s-Eye View Perception Baseline
Validating LVI-SAM on a quadruped robot, based on gazebo simulation
VINS-RGBD-FAST is a SLAM system based on VINS-RGBD. We do some refinements to accelerate the system's performance in resource-constrained embedded platforms, like HUAWEI Atlas 200DK, Raspberry Pi.
This is the environment in which YOLO V4 is ported to darknet_ros.
LVI-SAM that saves trajectory of lidar keyframe to in tum format to a txt file, and saves the timestamp of camera as well.
[RA-L 2022] RGB-D Inertial Odometry for a Resource-restricted Robot in Dynamic Environments
DynaVINS : A Visual-Inertial SLAM for Dynamic Environments
A Multi-sensor Fusion Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping.
LVI-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar-Visual-Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping
BoxMOT: pluggable SOTA tracking modules for segmentation, object detection and pose estimation models