Nine More Minutes, Inc.
- Durham, NC
- http://www.ninemoreminutes.com
- @flyingfred0
- Pro
ansible-role-letsencrypt Public
Ansible role to create SSL certificates with Let's Encrypt using letsencrypt module.
ansible-role-zerotier Public
Ansible role to install the ZeroTier network client.
ansible-role-win-pfx Public
Ansible role to install SSL certificates from PFX files on Windows
ansible-role-virtualenv Public
Ansible role to create and update a Python virtualenv.
ansible-role-testing Public
Examples for testing Ansible roles with Docker.
Makefile Other UpdatedJan 24, 2023 -
autodotenv Public
Automatically set environment variables from .env file when running any Python command.
Configure custom logo on Unifi Protect cameras.
ansible-role-uwsgi Public
Ansible role to install uWSGI in emperor mode and configure vassals.
ansible-role-django Public
Ansible role to configure and update a Django project.
ansible-role-scm Public
Ansible role to checkout code from SCM (git/hg/svn).
ansible-role-win-vipre Public
Ansible role to manage VIPRE Business Antivirus Server on Windows.
ansible-role-admin-users Public
Ansible role to manage admin users, authorized keys and sudo access.
heroku-buildpack-nginx Public
Forked from dokku/heroku-buildpack-nginxBuildpack for static websites on Dokku (nginx)
Shell Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedNov 9, 2021 -
django-celery-results Public
Forked from celery/django-celery-resultsPython Other UpdatedMar 16, 2021 -
ATEMStreamingXML Public
Utility to update ATEM Mini Pro Streaming.xml file to add new streaming providers.
setuptools-twine Public
This package adds twine_check and twine_upload commands to setuptools.
ansible.posix Public
Forked from ansible-collections/ansible.posixAnsible Collection for Posix
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 1, 2020 -
unifi-cam-proxy Public
Forked from keshavdv/unifi-cam-proxyEnable non-Ubiquiti cameras to work with Unifi NVR
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 4, 2019 -
ansible-module-pfsense Public
Forked from bevhost/ansible-module-pfsenseAnsible Plugin Module Library For Managing pfSense Firewalls
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 24, 2019 -
tequila-django Public
Forked from caktus/tequila-djangoAnsible role for setting up a Django project running under gunicorn (or uWSGI) and/or Celery on a server
Shell BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 17, 2019 -
aws-web-stacks Public
Forked from caktus/aws-web-stacksEasily create AWS managed resources in an isolated VPC for hosting web applications.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 12, 2019 -
thewhueel Public
Teensy-powered MIDI controller with absolute rotary encoder
tequila-common Public
Forked from caktus/tequila-commonAnsible role for setting up users, keys, directories, and a firewall for a Django server
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedSep 9, 2019 -
ansible Public
Forked from ansible/ansibleModel-driven configuration management, multi-node deployment, and remote task execution system. Uses SSH, so no special software has to be installed on the nodes you manage. Ansible can be extended…
live555 Public
Forked from rgaufman/live555A mirror of the live555 source code.
C++ GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 9, 2018 -
api-docs Public
Forked from lionheart/EEN-API-DocsEagle Eye Networks API Documentation
JavaScript Other UpdatedFeb 16, 2018 -
beatdown Public
Audio analysis tool built with pyo and wxPython.
ansible-role-provision_docker Public
Forked from chrismeyersfsu/provision_dockerTest Ansible roles and playbooks using Docker
Makefile UpdatedJan 26, 2018 -