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coffee19850519 authored Jan 5, 2020
0 parents commit 3b1dae2
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from scipy.misc import imresize

import utils
import numpy as np

from scipy import ndimage
from utils import to_int

def get_random_transform_params(input_shape, rotation_range = 0., height_shift_range = 0., width_shift_range = 0.,
shear_range = 0., zoom_range = (1, 1), horizontal_flip = False, resize_range = None,
distortion_prob = 0., additive_gaussian_noise_range = None, multiplication_gaussian = 0,
transform_colorspace_param = None, transform_colorspace_bounds = (-1, 1)):
This closure function returns generative function that gets random instance trough parameter and
together with closed input parameters generates random parameters for transformation matrix.
:param distortion_prob: Probability of the downsampling and upsampling of the image
:param resize_range: Defines uniform interval of downsampling factor
:param input_shape: Shape of images to be transformed with matrix with this parameters
:param rotation_range: Interval of rotation in degrees (used for in both direction)
:param height_shift_range: Value of two-sided interval of random shift in vertical direction
:param width_shift_range: Value of two-sided interval of random shift in horizontal direction
:param shear_range: Value of two-sided interval of random shear in horizontal direction
:param zoom_range: Tuple with 2 values representing range of random zoom (values > 1.0 is for zoom out)
:param horizontal_flip: Whether do random horizontal flip image
:return: Function that with given random instance generates random parameters for transformation matrix

def get_instance(rnd):
U = rnd.uniform
N = rnd.normal

rr = rotation_range
hs = height_shift_range
ws = width_shift_range
sr = shear_range
agn = additive_gaussian_noise_range
dp = distortion_prob
mg = multiplication_gaussian
tcp = transform_colorspace_param
tcb = transform_colorspace_bounds

return {
'input_shape': input_shape,
'theta': np.pi / 180 * U(-rr, rr) if rr else 0,
'ty': U(-hs, hs) * input_shape[0] if hs else 0,
'tx': U(-ws, ws) * input_shape[1] if ws else 0,
'shear': U(-sr, sr) if shear_range else 0,
'z': U(zoom_range[0], zoom_range[1]) if zoom_range != (1, 1) else 1,
'h_flip': rnd.rand() < 0.5 if horizontal_flip else False,
'add_noise': N(0, U(agn[0], agn[1]), input_shape) if agn is not None else None,
'resize': U(*resize_range) if U(0, 1) < dp else None,
'resize_smooth': U(0, 1) < 0.5,
'mul': N(1, mg) if mg > 0 else None,
'color_m': utils.crop_value(N(tcp[0], tcp[1], (3, 3)), tcb) if tcp is not None else None,
'agn': agn

return get_instance

def assemble_transformation_matrix(input_shape, theta = 0, tx = 0, ty = 0, shear = 0, z = 1):
Creates transformation matrix with given parameters. That resulting matrix has origin in centre of the image
:param input_shape: Shape of images to be transformed with matrix. Origin of transformation matrix is set
in the middle of image.
:param theta: Rotation in radians
:param tx: Translation in X axis
:param ty: Translation in Y axis
:param shear: Shear in horizontal direction
:param z: Image zoom
:return: Transformation matrix

def transform_matrix_offset_center(matrix, x, y):
Creates translation matrix from input matrix with origin in the centre of image
:param matrix: Input matrix
:param x: Width of the image
:param y: Height of the image
:return: Returns shifted input matrix with origin in [y/2, x/2]
o_x = float(x) / 2 + 0.5
o_y = float(y) / 2 + 0.5
offset_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, o_x], [0, 1, o_y], [0, 0, 1]])
reset_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, -o_x], [0, 1, -o_y], [0, 0, 1]])
t_matrix =, matrix), reset_matrix)
return t_matrix

rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0],
[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])

translation_matrix = np.array([[1, 0, ty],
[0, 1, tx],
[0, 0, 1]])

shear_matrix = np.array([[1, -np.sin(shear), 0],
[0, np.cos(shear), 0],
[0, 0, 1]])

zoom_matrix = np.array([[z, 0, 0],
[0, z, 0],
[0, 0, 1]])

# Assembling transformation matrix
transform_matrix =, translation_matrix), shear_matrix), zoom_matrix)

# Set origin of transformation to center of the image
h, w = input_shape[0], input_shape[1]
transform_matrix = transform_matrix_offset_center(transform_matrix, h, w)

return transform_matrix

def transform(v, t_matrix, h_flip = False, add_noise = None, resize = None, resize_smooth = None,
mul = None, color_m = None):
Transform image with (inverted) transformation matrix
:param v: Input image to be transformed
:param t_matrix: Transformation matrix
:param h_flip: Whether do horizontal flip
:return: Transformed image

def apply_transform(x, transform_matrix, channel_index = 0, fill_mode = 'nearest', cval = 0.):
x = np.rollaxis(x, channel_index, 0)
final_affine_matrix = transform_matrix[:2, :2]
final_offset = transform_matrix[:2, 2]
channel_images = [ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform(x_channel, final_affine_matrix,
final_offset, order = 2, mode = fill_mode,
cval = cval)
for x_channel in x]
x = np.stack(channel_images, axis = 0)
x = np.rollaxis(x, 0, channel_index + 1)

return x

def flip_axis(x, axis):
x = np.asarray(x).swapaxes(axis, 0)
x = x[::-1, ...]
x = x.swapaxes(0, axis)
return x

v = apply_transform(v, t_matrix, 2)

if h_flip:
v = flip_axis(v, 1)

if color_m is not None or mul is not None or add_noise is not None:
v = v.astype(np.float32)
shape = v.shape

if mul is not None:
v *= mul

if color_m is not None:
v = np.reshape(v, [-1, 3])
v = np.matmul(v, color_m)
v = np.reshape(v, shape)

if add_noise is not None:
v += add_noise

if resize is not None:
interpolation = 'bilinear' if resize_smooth else 'nearest'

v = imresize(v, (resize * np.array(shape[:2])).astype(np.uint16), interpolation)
v = imresize(v, shape[:2], interpolation)

v = utils.crop_value(v, [np.zeros(shape), np.ones(shape) * 255])

return v.astype(np.uint8)

def crop_data(img, labels, new_img_size, new_label_size = None, crop_label = True):
Both images and labels will be cropped to match the given size
:param img: Images to be cropped
:param labels: Labels to be cropped
:param new_img_size: New image size
:param new_label_size: New labels size
:return: Cropped image and labels

img_size = img.shape[-3]
r = to_int((img_size - new_img_size) / 2)

img = img[..., r:r + new_img_size, r:r + new_img_size, :]

if crop_label:
labels -= r

if new_label_size is not None:
labels = np.array((labels / new_img_size) * new_label_size, dtype = np.int32)

return img, labels

def flip_body_joints(points):
Change semantic of labels after flip transformation - i.e. left leg will be now right and so on.
:param points: Body joints to be changed

def swap(a, b):
points[:, [a, b]] = points[:, [b, a]]

# Leg
swap(0, 5)
swap(1, 4)
swap(2, 3)

# Arm
swap(10, 15)
swap(11, 14)
swap(12, 13)

def generate_random__transformation(X, rseed = 0, t_params_f = None):
rnd = np.random.RandomState(rseed)

if not t_params_f:
raise Exception('No attributes given!')

n = X.shape[0]
X_t = []

t_params = t_params_f(rnd)
h_flip = t_params.pop('h_flip')
add_noise = t_params.pop('add_noise')
resize = t_params.pop('resize')
mul = t_params.pop('mul')
agn = t_params.pop('agn')
color_m = t_params.pop('color_m')
resize_smooth = t_params.pop('resize_smooth')

t_matrix = assemble_transformation_matrix(**t_params)

for k in range(n):
inp = np.squeeze(X[k])

if agn is not None:
gauss = rnd.normal(0, rnd.uniform(agn[0], agn[1]), inp.shape)
gauss = None

x_t = transform(inp, t_matrix, h_flip, gauss, resize, resize_smooth, mul, color_m)

return np.array(X_t)

def generate_random_sequences(X, Y, sequence_size = 32, shift = 16, rseed = 0, final_size = None,
t_params_f = None, final_heatmap_size = None):
rnd = np.random.RandomState(rseed)

if not t_params_f:
raise Exception('No attributes given!')

if final_size is None:
final_size = min(X.shape[2], X.shape[3])

n = X.shape[0]
perm = rnd.permutation(range(0, n, shift))
perm_n = perm.shape[0]

for idx in range(perm_n):
b = range(perm[idx], min(perm[idx] + sequence_size, n))

X_t = []
Y_t = []

t_params = t_params_f(rnd)
h_flip = t_params.pop('h_flip')
add_noise = t_params.pop('add_noise')
resize = t_params.pop('resize')
mul = t_params.pop('mul')
agn = t_params.pop('agn')
color_m = t_params.pop('color_m')
resize_smooth = t_params.pop('resize_smooth')

t_matrix = assemble_transformation_matrix(**t_params)

for k in b:
inp = np.squeeze(X[k])

if agn is not None:
gauss = rnd.normal(0, rnd.uniform(agn[0], agn[1]), inp.shape)
gauss = None

x_t = transform(inp, t_matrix, h_flip, gauss, resize, resize_smooth, mul, color_m)
y_t = utils.get_affine_transform(np.squeeze(Y[k]), np.linalg.inv(t_matrix)) if Y is not None else None

x_t, y_t = crop_data(x_t, y_t, final_size, final_heatmap_size)

if Y is not None:
if h_flip:
y_t[1, :] = (final_size if final_heatmap_size is None else final_heatmap_size) - y_t[1, :]


if Y is not None:
yield np.array(X_t), np.array(Y_t), idx
yield np.array(X_t), idx

def generate_minibatches(X, Y = None, batch_size = 32, rseed = 0,
final_size = None, t_params_f = None, final_heatmap_size = None):
This function splits whole input batch of images into minibatches of given size. All images in batch are
transformed using affine transformations in order to prevent over-fitting during training.
:param X: Batch of input images to be divided. It has to be 4D tensor [batch, channel, height, width]
:param Y: Labels of input images (joint positions on heatmap). 3D tensor [batch, image dimension, joint].
E.g. joint with index 4 present in 10th image (i.e. index 9) that is in position [50, 80] is in
indexes: Y[9, :, 4] == [50, 80]
:param batch_size: Size of each mini-batch
:param rseed: Random seed
:param t_params_f: Function that generates parameters for transformation matrix (see get_random_transform_params)
:param final_size: Transformed images are cropped to match the given size
:param final_heatmap_size: Size of heatmaps
:return: Sequence of randomly ordered and transformed mini-batches

rnd = np.random.RandomState(rseed)

if not t_params_f:
raise Exception('No attributes given!')

if final_size is None:
final_size = min(X.shape[2], X.shape[3])

n = X.shape[0]
perm = rnd.permutation(n)

for idx in range(0, n, batch_size):
b = perm[idx:min(idx + batch_size, n)]

X_t = []
Y_t = []

for k in b:
t_params = t_params_f(rnd)
h_flip = t_params.pop('h_flip')
add_noise = t_params.pop('add_noise')
resize = t_params.pop('resize')
mul = t_params.pop('mul')
color_m = t_params.pop('color_m')
agn = t_params.pop('agn')
resize_smooth = t_params.pop('resize_smooth')

t_matrix = assemble_transformation_matrix(**t_params)

x_t = transform(np.squeeze(X[k]), t_matrix, h_flip, add_noise, resize, resize_smooth, mul, color_m)
y_t = utils.get_affine_transform(np.squeeze(Y[k]), np.linalg.inv(t_matrix)) if Y is not None else None

x_t, y_t = crop_data(x_t, y_t, final_size, final_heatmap_size)

if Y is not None:
if h_flip:
y_t[1, :] = (final_size if final_heatmap_size is None else final_heatmap_size) - y_t[1, :]


if Y is not None:
yield np.array(X_t), np.array(Y_t), b
yield np.array(X_t), b

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