Pacific Biosciences
- San Diego
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/christophertsaunders
- @ctsa11
GitHub Action for advanced repository traffic analysis and reporting
Strain-level haplotyping for metagenomes with short or long-reads.
Dividing heterogeneous long-read sequencing into groups with de Bruijn graphs
Genome In A Bottle Development Framework for Assembly Based Benchmarks
Accurate CNV Evaluation Using Telomere-to-Telomere Assemblies
Poisson Binomial Probability Distribution for Python
DWFA consensus algorithm for pb-StarPhase
Hifiasm: a haplotype-resolved assembler for accurate Hifi reads
somatic SV calling on matched tumor-normal co-assembly graphs
Extending lcsk++ to graph to support semiglobal poa
A high-performance BigWig and BigBed library in Rust
An analysis pipeline for long-reads from both PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), written in Nextflow.
A pairwise sequence aligner written in Rust
Complex structural variant visualization for HiFi sequencing data
Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview
Structural variant discovery and genotyping from mapped PacBio HiFi data
De novo tandem repeat calling from PacBio HiFi data
Transformer-based sequence correction method for genome assembly polishing
An HLA star-calling tool for PacBio HiFi data types
A tool for somatic structural variant calling using long reads
DeepSomatic is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural network to call somatic variants from tumor-normal and tumor-only sequencing data.
A phase-aware pharmacogenomic diplotyper for PacBio datasets