This a node based tool for creating caffe networks. It works inside the graphics application 'blender' as a plugin. The reason for this is blender's highly stable, and universally compatible node editor. ##Important CGT features change regularly. If you update and your nodetree no longer compiles, all the nodes in your tree must be Re-added. A prototxt load feature will be added in the next update to make this process redundant.
###Potentially useful features:
- Autonaming of top,bottom, and layer names
- Visual editing of later properties
- Reliable duplication of layers with SHIFT+D
- Saving & Loading nodetrees in blender's native 'xxxx.blend' format for later editing
- Generation of Train_test, _deploy, _solver, and the training .sh script
###WIP features:
- .prototxt import
- Training network within blender, plotting train & test error
For installation instructions please see