AR Foundation course supplemental source code examples.
💡 What is included in this repo?
- Includes Unity project and scenes demonstrated through our AR Development With AR Foundation course.
🎮 Unity Assets Included on this Unity Project: (Affiliate Links)
📚 Unity AR Foundation Demo Scenes:
- ARSessionAndTracking: this demo shows you how to use AR Session, device tracking, and how to check for AR device support.
- ARPlaneDetection: this demo shows you how to use plane detection with vertical and horizontal planes as well as creating a plane visualizer.
- ARPointClouds: this demo shows you how to use point clouds / feature points and how to create a point cloud visualizer.
- ARRaycasts: an introduction to raycasts with the AR Raycast Manager, plane detection, and point clouds are also used.
- ARCameraAndLighting: learn to use AR Camera features and how to affect 3D objects with real world lighting conditions.
- AROcclusion: an introduction to occlusion with the AR Occlusion Manager.
- ARImageTrackingSimple: this demo shows you how to use image tracking features with a variety of images and how to display image information at runtime.
- ARImageTrackingComplex: this demo is based on "ARImageTrackingSimple" but with additional features to auto remove content after x amount of time.
- ARFaceTrackingSimple: demonstrates how to use face tracking meshing capabilities with standard materials.
- AREyeTrackingSimple: this scene demonstrates how to use eye tracking features with iOS or any other device which supports it.
- ARBodyTracking2D: body tracking demo which uses Pose 2D from AR Human Body Manager with a line renderer for each joint.
- ARBodyTracking3D: body tracking demo which uses Pose 3D from AR Human Body Manager with a robot.
- ARMeshingAndClassifications: demo showcasing how to use AR Meshing Manager to generates meshes in real-time and how to get classifications.
📚 Demo Scenes (In Progress)
- ARFaceTrackingWithBlendShapes
- ARAnchorManagement
📢 Big HUGE thanks to the Unity team for providing great AR Foundation examples in which I've used as research and studies over the years. Check out their amazing repo here!