dotfiles Public
Forked from mrshll/dotfiles.files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X
Vim Script MIT License UpdatedFeb 2, 2017 -
Hystrix Public
Forked from Netflix/HystrixHystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex di…
Java UpdatedJun 6, 2016 -
cookbook-mesos Public
Forked from everpeace/cookbook-mesosCookbook for Mesos (http://mesos.apache.org/).
vagrant-hosts Public
Forked from oscar-stack/vagrant-hostsManage static DNS on vagrant guests
Ruby Other UpdatedDec 14, 2013 -
dropwizard-guice-example Public
A complete dropwizard example for using Guice
dropwizard Public
Forked from dropwizard/dropwizardA damn simple library for building production-ready RESTful web services.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 24, 2013 -
metrics-guice Public
Forked from palominolabs/metrics-guiceMetrics Guice Support
Java UpdatedMay 17, 2013 -
statsd-librato Public
Forked from engineyard/statsd-libratoSimple daemon for easy stats aggregation
django-reversion Public
Forked from etianen/django-reversionAn extension to the Django web framework that provides comprehensive version control facilities.
async-MySQL-python Public
MySQL Python drivers + additions to work asynchronously in Tornado
my-buildout Public
Forked from andrewebdev/my-buildoutMy Personal Buildout Configuration
zookeeper-monitoring Public
Forked from andreisavu/zookeeper-monitoringTools and Recipes for Monitoring Apache Zookeeper
tornado Public
Forked from tornadoweb/tornadoTornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed.
mongo-erlang-driver Public
erlang driver for mongodb
persist-js Public
Forked from jeremydurham/persist-jsPersistJS is a JavaScript client-side persistent storage library
js-common-build Public
Forked from jollytoad/js-common-buildCommon build system for simple JavaScript projects
clevercss Public
Forked from clevercss/clevercssAn updated version Armin Ronacher's CleverCSS 0.1 that includes several bug fixes.
ezcloud Public
An interactive python shell for working with Amazon Web Services
hadoop-timelines Public
A service for creating and hosting hadoop job timelines
nginx-uuid-filter Public
An nginx module for generating cookies using libuuid and hex format
lookery-targeting-java Public
A simple java client for using the Lookery Targeting API with signed requests.
lookery-targeting-python Public
A simple python client for using the Lookery Targeting API with signed requests.
3 UpdatedJan 20, 2009 -
lookery-targeting-php Public
A simple php client for using the Lookery Targeting API with signed requests.