Cog implementation of transcribing + diarization pipeline with Whisper & Pyannote
MJML: the only framework that makes responsive-email easy
a declarative and universal way to specify window.location in a single-page React apps
A category to simplify common PHAsset functions.
A set of classes that wrap UIScrollView and CATiledLayer. It aims to simplify displaying large images and PDFs at multiple zoom scales.
Launcher for bundled java application on Mac OS
📧 Email reply parser library for Python
Dead-Simple Packaging and Deployment for JVM Apps
Automatically add a progress bar to your site.
A modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style. #hubspot-open-source
Create Quick HTML5 Presentations with Punch
eliast / statsd-librato
Forked from engineyard/statsd-libratoSimple daemon for easy stats aggregation
Tools and Recipes for Monitoring Apache Zookeeper
eliast / django-reversion
Forked from etianen/django-reversionAn extension to the Django web framework that provides comprehensive version control facilities.
librato / statsd
Forked from statsd/statsdDeprecated, see:
eliast / my-buildout
Forked from andrewebdev/my-buildoutMy Personal Buildout Configuration
asmeurer / PuDB
Forked from inducer/pudbFull-screen console debugger for Python
MySQL Python drivers + additions to work asynchronously in Tornado
saz / dotfiles
Forked from sontek/homiesMy configuration files (.screenrc, .vimrc, .bashrc etc)
[deprecated] A friendly chainable ElasticSearch interface for python
engineyard / statsd-librato
Forked from statsd/statsdMoved to statsd/librato
fabric8 is an open source microservices platform based on Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins
Python connector for ElasticSearch - the pythonic way to use ElasticSearch
An open-source status dashboard running on App Engine
django-reversion is an extension to the Django web framework that provides version control for model instances.
Tools and Recipes for Monitoring Apache Zookeeper