This project is forked from
All credit to vjaunet.
This project is the development of a code to control a quadcopter with a Raspberry Pi.
The main idea is to use the RPI as much as possible. The only external devices needed are a MPU6050 for attitude measurment and a Wifi dongle. The quadcopter is remotely controlled via wifi and an Android App.
The Raspberry PI hosts:
- PID controller
- ESC signal generator (ServoBlaster)
- UDP server to get command from an android device
- Communication with the MPU6050 through I2C.
The repository has several folders, that I initially made to code and test the different functions of the controller. The entire controller is in the PILOT folder.
Folders :
- AND2RPI : a first version of socket programming for communication with a remote control over network
- MODELS : some C programs that simulate the dyanmics of Quadcopter
- MPU6050s : Richard Ghirst's MPU6050 tools with wrappers in order to simplify its use
- PILOT : the complete controller currently under development
- SERVOBLASTER : a cpp class used to write the ESC comands into /dev/servoblaster
This project is greatly inspired and using source code from :
- for ServoBlaster that I use to control the ESCs and the MPU6050 Digital motion processing.
- for the Timing and the code structure
- for the Android app
Many thanks to these people.
First fully working version 22-01-2014
Next Steps:
- PID fine Tunning
- Flight Tests
- Implementation of RaspiCam (Controller + Raspivid seem not to overload the Rpi)
This projects includes :
- 4 brushless motors (NTM Prop Drive 28-30S 800KV / 300W Brushless Motor (short shaft))
- 4 Electronic Speed Controllers (Afro ESC 20Amp Multi-rotor Motor Speed Controller)
- 1 LiPo 3s 2200 mAh battery
- 1 MPU6050 6DOF Sensor Modul 3 Axis Achse Gyroscope Accelerometer
- 1 QuadCopter frame
- 1 Android device for remote
- 2 9047SF Slow Fly Electric Prop CW
- 2 9047SF Slow Fly Electric Prop CCW
MPU6050 : -VDD -> 3.3V -GND -> GND -SDA -> SDA -SCL -> SCL
ESCs: -GND -> GND -Signal Servo 0 -> pin 4 -Signal Servo 1 -> pin 23 -Signal Servo 2 -> pin 24 -Signal Servo 3 -> pin 25
Note that the use of this code requires some modifications (see SERVOBLASTER) of the Servoblaster configuration
This repo contains some patches for my individual configuration. Mainly the sensors are mounted differently..