- Brasil, Paraná, Tapejara
API for meeting room reservation system built with Node.js, DDD and Clean Architecture.
⌛ A pomodoro-like timer built with Svelte and Tailwind CSS.
API em NodeJs usando Typescript, TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns e SOLID principles
A Typescript + Node.js lightweight framework for quick building scalable, easy to read and maintain, server-side applications 🐎
A markdown editor reminiscent of Notion, constructed using TipTap, Radix UI and TailwindCSS.
Projeto construído durante o evento Node.js na prática da Rocketseat.
Projeto Node.js desenvolvido durante o evento NLW Unite da Rocketseat
Real-time voting system built with Node.js
Node.js REST API clean architecture sample project.
A video player app using Redux + Zustand as as state-management.
A simple design system written in Javascript
A little more about myself and the studies I am doing.
Dev diet is a simple application to control your daily meals
Automatic convert audio notes to text with React
Informe uma data e veja fotos tiradas do espaço pelos Mars Rover!
Admin dashboard, expertly crafted using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and the Composition Pattern.
Github Explorer is a REACT + Typescript application that follows clean architecture principles with DDD and SOLID.
Dev diet is a simple application to control your daily meals
Primeiro Ignite Challenge Trilha React Native 2021
Desafio 01 - Conceitos do Node.js | Ignite 2022