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A stand alone, light-weight web server for building, sharing graphs created in ipython. Build for data science, data analysis guys. Aiming at building an interactive visualization, collaborated dashboard, and real-time streaming graph.


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Hi, there

I'm so glad that this repo still draws you guys' attention until today. but actually I won't spend any time on it and I've got a much better way to draw dynamic plots in ipython notebook, and I've just post a blog about how to make it in notebooks (including source code and demo notebook).

which looks like bellow:

Please check it here:

Thank you guys again, and if possible, please don't cancel your stars, ha~ha, any problems and questions when using the new method will get answered as long as you put it under that post.

thanks again, taotao~

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Inspired by IPython, built with love


A stand alone, light-weight web server for building, sharing graphs created in IPython. Build for data science, data analysis guys. Aiming at building an interactive visualization, collaborated dashboard, and real-time streaming graph.

Screenshot and Demo

Demo on Youtube
Demo on Youku








  • Install prerequisite

    • install the latest stable IPython-Dashboard: pip install ipython-dashboard --upgrade
    • install redis 2.6+ : install guide
    • [option, if you need run sql]install mysql : brew install mysql or apt-get install mysql
    • install IPython-Dashboard requirements [unneeded sometimes]:
      • cd ~/your python package path/IPython-Dashboard
      • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • [option, if you need run sql]Config mysql

    • start mysql server : mysql.server start

    • login in mysql using root : mysql -u root

    • create a user and grant privileges;

      • take a look at current database user
      mysql> SELECT User,Host FROM mysql.user;
      | User | Host      |
      | root | |
      | root | ::1       |
      |      | localhost |
      | root | localhost |
      |      | mac007    |
      | root | mac007    |
      6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      • create a user for IPython-Dashboard
      mysql> create user 'ipd'@'localhost' identified by 'thanks';
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
      mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to ipd@localhost;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
      mysql> SELECT User,Host FROM mysql.user;
      | User | Host      |
      | root | |
      | root | ::1       |
      |      | localhost |
      | ipd  | localhost |
      | root | localhost |
      |      | mac007    |
      | root | mac007    |
      7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> flush privileges;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    • create tables;

      nosetests -s dashboard.tests.testCreateData:test_create_mysql_data
  • Create logging path

    • create a folder to store log files. I put it under mnt currently: /mnt/ipython-dashboard/logs
    • make sure the log folder is write-able, using chmod and ls -l to confirm.
    chenshan@mac007:/mnt/ipython-dashboard$ls -l
    total 0
    drwxrwxrwx  9 root  wheel  306 Dec 15 22:09 logs
  • Config IPython-Dashboard server : IPython-Dashboard/dashboard/

    • app_host='ip_address:port'
  • Start redis and IPython-Dashboard server

    chenshan@mac007:~/Desktop/github/IPython-Dashboard$redis-server &
    chenshan@mac007:~/Desktop/github/IPython-Dashboard$dash-server --help
    usage: dash-server [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-d DEBUG]
    Start your IPython-Dashboard server ...
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -H HOST, --host HOST  server host, default localhost
      -p PORT, --port PORT  server port, default 9090
      -d DEBUG, --debug DEBUG
                            server port, default true
    Namespace(debug=True, host='', port=9090)
     * Running on
     * Restarting with reloader
    Namespace(debug=True, host='', port=9090)
  • Do your exploring


  • support raw html visualization
  • support python object visualization
  • Editable
  • Real-time fresh when rendering a variable python object
  • Can be shared, both public and private [ need password ]
  • In the notebook, can share an object to a dashboard [ that's visualize that object in that dashboard ]

Use Case

  • exploring in notebook, share/send the result/summary to people, without the details.
  • share some data in a private notebook.
  • disappointed with the complicated code when drawing a graceful/staic graph using matplotlib/seaborn/mpld3 etc.
  • want an interactive graph, allow people to zoom in/out, resize, get hover tips, change graph type easily.
  • want a real-time graph.
  • want an collaborated graph/dashboard.


Run tests

just run sudo nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=dashboard under this repo

taotao@mac007:~/Desktop/github/IPython-Dashboard$sudo nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=dashboard
../Users/chenshan/Desktop/github/IPython-Dashboard/dashboard/tests/ Warning: Can't create database 'IPD_data'; database exists
  conn.cursor().execute('CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {};'.format(config.sql_db))
/Users/chenshan/Desktop/github/IPython-Dashboard/dashboard/server/ Warning: Unknown table 'ipd_data.businesses'
/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pandas/io/ FutureWarning: The 'mysql' flavor with DBAPI connection is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. MySQL will be further supported with SQLAlchemy engines.
  warnings.warn(_MYSQL_WARNING, FutureWarning)
Name                                    Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
---------------------------------------------------------------------                               13      0   100%
dashboard/                         1      0   100%
dashboard/client/                 11      3    73%   26-27, 33
dashboard/                           0      0   100%
dashboard/conf/                   29      0   100%
dashboard/                         0      0   100%
dashboard/server/               0      0   100%
dashboard/server/resources/         35     10    71%   36, 55-56, 67-69, 86-89
dashboard/server/resources/         40     12    70%   25, 28-30, 83-91
dashboard/server/resources/          27     11    59%   30, 52-75
dashboard/server/resources/        8      1    88%   19
dashboard/server/resources/      13      5    62%   26-28, 43-47
dashboard/server/                  79     18    77%   20-24, 78-80, 82-83, 86, 96, 99-100, 126-127, 140-142
dashboard/server/                  21      1    95%   16
TOTAL                                     277     61    78%
Ran 5 tests in 9.885s

  • future

    • front side, databricks style
    • pep 8, code clean up & restructure
    • hover tips
    • edit modal can be resized
    • Share one graph
    • Share one dashboard
    • Presentation mode
    • footer
    • unified message display center
    • SQL Editor
    • login management
    • unified logger and exception report
    • server side log
    • client side log
    • support python3
    • create examples
    • render sql in dashboard
    • chart optimize
  • V 0.1.6 : optimize-chart [ current develop version ]

    • Dashboard

      • re-structure code, follow pep8 style
      • create 1 example
      • optimize chart
    • SQL Editor

      • optimize page
      • render sql result as graph
  • V 0.1.5 : sql-server-log [ current stable version ]

    • Dashboard

      • create 1 example
      • server side log
      • support x-axis as date format
      • research on real-time updated dataframe
    • SQL Editor

      • sql server develop : render sql result as table view

Related Projects & Products


A stand alone, light-weight web server for building, sharing graphs created in ipython. Build for data science, data analysis guys. Aiming at building an interactive visualization, collaborated dashboard, and real-time streaming graph.







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  • Python 63.7%
  • HTML 35.4%
  • Shell 0.9%