Releases: higee/elastic
Releases · higee/elastic
- Why Elasticsearch?
- Install
- Data Type
- Core data type
- string : text/keyword
- numeric : long/integer/short/byte, double/float/half-float
- Complex data type : array, object, nested
- Geo data type : geo_point
- Core data type
- API : Indices API, Document API, Search API
- Query DSL : Match All, Full Text, Term Level, Specialized, Compound Queries
- Mapping
- Aggregation : Bucket, Metric, Parent Pipeline, Sibling Pipeline Aggregation
- Install
- Worfklow
- Plugins
- Input : stdin, file, jdbc, elasticsearch
- Output : csv, elasticsearch
- Filter : csv, mutate, grok, date, drop, ruby, elasticsearch
- (Conditional)
- Install
- Worfklow
- Discover
- Filtering by Field
- Lucene Query Syntax
- Keyword
- Field Match, Exact Field Match
- Must be, Must not be present
- Term
- Fuzzy, Proximity
- Numeric Value, Range
- Wildcard (?, *)
- Visualize
- Basic Charts : Area, Heat Map, Pie
- Data : Data Table, Goal, Gauge, Metric
- Maps : Coordinate Map, Region Map
- Time Series : Timelion
- Other : Markdown, Tag Cloud
- Dashboard
- Dev Tools
- Management
- Index Patterns
- Field Formatters
- string field : URL (link, image)
- date field : date
- numeric field : duration, bytes, percentage
- Scripted Fields (Painless)
- calculation on a single field
- date manipulation
- combine string values
- conditional statement
- Saved Objects import/export
- Install
- Data Type : core data type, complex data type
- API : Indices API, Document API, Search API
- Query DSL : Match All, Full Text, Term Level, Specialized, Compound Queries
- Mapping
- Aggregation : Bucket, Metric, Parent Pipeline, Sibling Pipeline Aggregation
- Install
- Worfklow
- Plugins
- Input : stdin, file, jdbc, elasticsearch
- Output : csv, elasticsearch
- Filter : csv, mutate, grok, date, drop
- (Conditional)
- Install
- Worfklow
- Discover
- Filtering by Field
- Lucene Query Syntax
- Keyword
- Field Match, Exact Field Match
- Must be, Must not be present
- Term
- Fuzzy, Proximity
- Numeric Value, Range
- Wildcard (?, *)
- Visualize
- Basic Charts : Area, Heat Map, Pie
- Data : Data Table, Goal, Gauge, Metric
- Maps : Coordinate Map, Region Map
- Time Series : Timelion
- Other : Markdown, Tag Cloud
- Dashboard
- Dev Tools
- Management
- Index Patterns
- Field Formatters
- Scripted Fields (Painless)
- calculation on a single field
- date manipulation
- combine string values
- conditional statement
- Saved Objects