DeepGlioma: AI-based molecular classification of diffuse gliomas using rapid, label-free optical imaging
Preprint / Interactive Website / MLiNS Lab
Code repository for our paper 'AI-based molecular classification of diffuse gliomas using rapid, label-free, optical imaging'. We use deep learning perform diffuse glioma molecular classification using stimulated Raman histology (SRH) and deep neural networks.
Molecular classification has transformed the management of brain tumors by enabling more accurate prognostication and personalized treatment. Access to timely molecular diagnostic testing for brain tumor patients is limited, complicating surgical and adjuvant treatment and obstructing clinical trial enrollment. We developed a rapid (<90 seconds), AI-based diagnostic screening system that can provide molecular classification of diffuse gliomas and report its use in a prospective, multicenter, international testing cohort of diffuse glioma patients (N = 153). By combining stimulated Raman histology (SRH), a rapid, label-free, non-consumptive, optical imaging method, and deep learning-based image classification, we can predict the molecular features used by the World Health Organization (WHO) to define the adult-type diffuse glioma taxonomy. We developed a multimodal training strategy that uses both SRH images and large-scale, public diffuse glioma genomic data to achieve optimal image-based molecular classification performance. Using this system, called DeepGlioma, we were able to achieve an average molecular genetic classification accuracy of 93.2% and identify the correct diffuse glioma molecular subgroup with 91.5% accuracy. Our results represent how artificial intelligence and optical histology can be used to provide a rapid and scalable alternative to wet lab methods for the molecular diagnosis of brain tumor patients.
Image tumor with SRH >> Images in >> DeepGlioma >> Tumor genetics out (end-to-end: ~2 mins)
Bedside SRH and DeepGlioma workflow. a, A patient with a suspected diffuse glioma undergoes surgery for tumor biopsy or surgical resection. The SRH imaging system is portable and imaging takes place in the operating room, performed by a single technician using simple touch screen instructions. A freshly excised tissue specimen is loaded directly into a premade microscope slide and inserted into the SRH imager without the need for tissue processing. Raw SRH images are acquired at two Raman shifts, 2,845cm-1 and 2,930cm-1, as strips. The time to acquire a 3×3mm2 SRH image is approximately 90 seconds. Raw optical images can then be colored using a custom hematox- lyin and eosin (HE) virtual staining method for clinician review. b, DeepGlioma is trained using a multi-modal dataset. First, SRH images are used to train an CNN encoder using weakly supervised, multi-label contrastive learning for image feature embedding. Second, public diffuse glioma genomic data from TCGA, CGGA, and others are used to train a genetic encoder to learn a genetic embedding that represents known co-occurrence relationships between genetic mutations. c, The SRH and genetic encoders are integrated into a single architecture using a transformer encoder for multi-label prediction of diffuse glioma molecular diagnos- tic mutations. We use masked label training to train the transformer encoder. Because our system uses patch-level predictions, spatial heatmaps can be generated for both molecular genetic and molecular subgroup predictions to improve model interpretability, identify regions of variable confidence, and associate SRH image features with DeepGlioma predictions.
- Clone DeepGlioma github repo
git clone [email protected]:MLNeurosurg/deepglioma.git
- Install miniconda: follow instructions here
- Create conda environment:
conda create -n deepglioma python=3.8
- Activate conda environment:
conda activate deepglioma
- Install package and dependencies
<cd /path/to/repo/dir> pip install -e .
- Train full DeepGlioma model or SRH visual encoder using contrastive learning
python -c main_config.yaml
python -c contrastive_config.yaml
- datasets: PyTorch datasets and utilities for model training and inference.
- embedding: train the genetic embedding layer with curated, public genomic data included. Able to train using both GloVe and Word2Vec embeddings. Can train out-of-the-box:
python embedding/ -c embedding/main_embed.yaml
- models: SRH encoders and transformer modules. Code adapted from C-Tran repository.
- utils: model evaluation and metric implementations.
DeepGlioma molecular classification performance a, Results from our prospective multicenter testing cohort of diffuse glioma patients are shown. DeepGlioma was trained using UM data only (n = 373) and tested on our external medical centers (n = 153). All results are presented as patient-level predictions. Individual ROC curves for IDH-1/2 (AUROC 95.9%), 1p9q-codeletion (AUROC 97.7%), and ATRX (AUROC 85.7%) classification are shown. Our AUROC values were highest for IDH-1/2 and 1p19q-codeletion prediction. Bar plot inset shows the accuracy, F1 score, and AUROC classification metrics for each of the mutations. Similar to our cross-validation experiments, ATRX mutation pre- diction was the most challenging as demonstrated by comparatively lower metric scores. Individual patient-level molecular genetic prediction probabilities are ordered and displayed. b, Results from the LIOCV experiments. Mean (solid line) and standard deviation (fill color) ROC curves are shown. Metrics are averaged over external testing centers to determine the stability of DeepGlioma classification results given different patient populations, clinical workflows, and SRH imagers. Including additional training data resulted in an increase in DeepGlioma performance, especially for 1p19q and ATRX classification. c, Primary testing endpoint: comparison of IDH1-R132H IHC versus DeepGlioma for IDH mutational status detection. DeepGlioma achieved a 94.2% balanced accuracy for the prospective cohort and a 97.0% balanced accuracy for patients 55 years or less. The major performance boost was due to the +10% increase in prediction sensitivity over IDH1-R132H IHC due to DeepGlioma’s detection of both canonical and non-canonical IDH mutations. d, Secondary testing end- point: DeepGlioma results for molecular subgrouping according to WHO CNS5 adult-type diffuse glioma taxonomy. Multiclass classification accuracy for all patients and patients 55 years or less are shown. e, UMAP visualization of SRH representations from DeepGlioma. Small, semi-transparent points are SRH patch representations and large, solid points are patient representations (i.e. average patch location) from the prospective clinical cohort. Representations are labeled according to their IDH subgroup and diffuse glioma molecular subgroup. Our patch contrastive learning encourages the SRH encoder to learn representa- tions that are uniformily distributed on the unit hypersphere.
© This code is made available for academic purposes. Imaging and clinical information for this project was collected with IRB approval (HUM00083059) and is protected under HIPAA. Representative images and predictions can be found at
The code is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for license information and third party notices.