Greetings & salutations! I'm Si, a full stack dev from Manchester, England🌧️☂️. I recently finished a coding bootcamp. I'm presently honing my skills - and looking forward to starting my first coding job in the near future! 43 years on planet Earth - it's time⌚ to move onwards and upwards to my dream career! I have just discovered "Manjaro Linux" and it seriously rocks my world!!! It really is all over between my and Windows!!!
- 🔭 I’m currently working on - creating full-stack projects and finding a job in dev!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning - , and working very very hard to deepen my knowledge of algorithms and data-structures
- ⚡ Fun fact: I share my birthday with Whoopi Goldberg!
- when preparing for bootcamp I spent a lot of time on codewars. I learned a lot and had a great time learning it😺!!!
- Currently, I do at least one coding kata per day🖥️, on top of my technical reading📖, and project development⌨️. I've found Leetcode to be a brilliant resource. As you can see...I've been busy💪!!!