Biblio-Graphy (Client)
I'm quite forgetful! I want to remember books that I have read recently, and books that I'd like to read in the near future!
This is an application that allows me to search for a book by title or keyword, returning author and a front cover picture. Books can then be saved to a database. Extra information can be acquired by clicking on a button. A book can be deleted by clicking on a different button.
Fully Functional.
see assets file
React React Bootstrap Axios Javascript (nodeJS)
run npm install in the root directory
run 'npm start' in a terminal located in the root directory. A user account needs to be created in the registration area. The user can then log on to the application via the login screen. On the homepage, a book can be searched for via title or keyword. A particular book can be saved with the 'save' button. Additional data can be found with the 'view' button. The 'Saved Books' page shows the saved books, and the delete button, located on this page, allows a book to be removed. Logging out allows another use to access their account.
Suraj Verma, Kenneth Popay and Colum Lynagh have all helped me immeasurably during this project!
Homepage (live deployment) Github Repositories: