Turn a STM32469I-Discovery board into an USB soundcard. Implemented UAC 1.0 asynchronous mode. Support 16/24 bit, 44.1/48/96 kHz stereo PCM audio and volume + mute control.
Minimalistic unzip library released into public domain.
Driving st7789 displays with STM32 and uGUI library, using hardware SPI and DMA(Optional), with several modifications for best performance.
ST7789 display driver for STM32F103C8 (blue pill)
Guitar and Bass Tuner - Teensy Audio Library Object
Bitstream Autocorrelation proof of concept
Monophonic Ptich Tracking algorithms
SPI Flash W25Qxxx Polling Mode io Driver + FATFs
An Android app to connect and configure JBL Bluetooth speakers with additional functionality like flashing custom firmware and stereo audio playback with different speaker models.
A Collection of Useful C++ Classes for Digital Signal Processing
GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)
This repostiroy is created to work on a digital guitar effect which makes use of DSP algorythms, and hardware.
Enable 24-bit / 96kHz Hi-Fi PCM stereo audio output via USB Audio Class 1.0 asynchronous mode on STM32469I-Discovery · Volume and mute control implemented
low noise low cost stm32 usb-audio dac with optional level meter
A digital signal processing library in Javascript
Audio sample rate converter based on polyphase FIR filter
Lightweight library to validate/assert json documents structure