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Daily Form
Mathew Thorpe edited this page Jan 26, 2022
1 revision
Variable / Field Name | Section Header | Field Type | Field Label | Choices or Calculations |
daily_form_v9_6_onwards | text | Note that from V9.6 of the CRF, if completing TIER 0 details, then you DO NOT NEED TO COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR DAYS 3, 6 and 9 |
daily_form_desc_text1 | text | 1. DAILY ASSESSMENT FORM (complete one form on admission, one form on admission to ICU, and daily up to 14 days or until discharge or death if earlier) |
daily_form_desc_text2 | text | DAILY FORM complete per Tier of activity AND if research samples are collected Page 1 of 1 (may not be the date of completion) | ||
daily_dsstdat | text (date_dmy) | DATE OF ASSESSMENT | ||
daily_hoterm | Record the worst value from 00:00-24:00 taken on day of assessment (if Not Available write 'N/A')): | radio | Current admission to ICU/ITU/IMC/HDU | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A |
daily_temp_vsorres | text | Highest Temperature | ||
daily_temp_vsorresu | radio | Highest Temperature Unit | 1, °C ; 2, °F | |
daily_temp_vsorresnk | radio | Highest Temperature N/K | 1, N/K | |
daily_fi02_lbyn | radio | FiO2 available / Any supplemental oxygen? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_fio2_lborres | text | FiO2 (0.21-1.0) | ||
daily_fio2b_lborres | text | FiO2 % | ||
daily_fio2c_lborres | text | FiO2 L/min (highest | ||
daily_sa02_lbyn | radio | SaO2 (Oxygen saturation in newer CRF) available? (% (lowest for newer CRF)) | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_sao2_lborres | text | SaO2 (SpO2 on the newer CRF) (at time of FiO2 above) | ||
daily_pao2_lbyn | yesno | PaO2 available? (at time of FiO2 above) | 1, Yes ; 0, No | |
daily_pao2_lborres | text | PaO2: | ||
daily_pao2_lborresu | dropdown | PaO2 unit: | 1, kPa ; 2, mmHg | |
daily_pao2_lbspec | dropdown | PaO2 sample type (from same blood gas record as PaO2) | 1, Arterial ; 2, Venous ; 3, Capillary ; 4, N/A | |
daily_pco2_lbyn | radio | PCO2 available? (from same blood gas record as PaO2) | 1, Yes ; 2, No | |
daily_pco2_lborres | text | PCO2 | ||
daily_pco2_lborresu | dropdown | PCO2 Unit | 1, kPa ; 2, mmHg | |
daily_ph_lbyn | yesno | pH available | 1, Yes ; 0, No | |
daily_ph_lborres | text | pH | ||
daily_hco3_lbyn | yesno | HCO3- available | 1, Yes ; 0, No | |
daily_hco3_lborres | text | HCO3- | ||
daily_hco3_lborresu | dropdown | HCO3- Unit | 1, mEq/L ; 2, mmol/L | |
daily_baseex_lbyn | yesno | Base excess available | 1, Yes ; 0, No | |
daily_baseex_lborres | text | Base excess (mmol/L) | ||
daily_rr | text | RR breaths per minute (highest) | ||
daily_rr_nk | radio | RR breaths per minute N/K | 1, N/K | |
avpu_vsorres | radio | AVPU | 1, Alert ; 2, Verbal ; 3, Pain ; 4, Unresponsive ; 5, N/K | |
daily_gcs_lbyn | radio | Glasgow Coma Score available? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_gcs_vsorres | text | Glasgow Coma Score: (out of 15) | ||
systolic_vsyn | yesno | Systolic Blood Pressure available? | 1, Yes ; 0, No | |
systolic_vsorres | text | Systolic Pressure (mmHg) | ||
diastolic_vsyn | yesno | Diastolic Blood Pressure available? | 1, Yes ; 0, No | |
diastolic_vsorres | text | Diastolic Pressure (mmHg) | ||
daily_meanart_lbyn | radio | Mean Arterial Pressure available? | 1, Yes ; 0, No | |
daily_meanart_vsorres | text | Mean Arterial Pressure (mmHg) | ||
daily_urine_lbyn | radio | Urine flow rate available? | 1, Yes ; 2, Estimated ; 0, No | |
daily_urine_lborres | text | Urine flow rate (mL/24 hours) | ||
daily_noninvasive_prtrt | radio | Non-invasive ventilation (e.g. NIV (if shorter CRF), BIPAP, CPAP)? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_invasive_prtrt | radio | Invasive ventilation? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_nasaloxy_cmtrt | radio | High-flow nasal canula? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_ecmo_prtrt | radio | ECLS/ECMO | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_rrt_cmtrt | radio | Dialysis / Hemofiltration | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_inotrope_cmyn | radio | Any vasopressor / inotropic support? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_dopless5_cmtrt | radio | Dopamine < 5 µg/min OR Dobutamine OR Milrinone OR Levosimendan: | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_dop5to15_cmtrt | radio | Dopamine 5-15 µg/min OR Epinephrine/Norepinephrine < 0.1 µg/kg/min OR Vasopressin OR Phenylephrine: |
1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_dopgr15_cmtrt | radio | Dopamine > 15 µg/min OR Epinephrine/Norepinephrine > 0.1 µg/kg/min: | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_neuro_cmtrt | radio | Neuromuscular blocking agents? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_nitritc_cmtrt | radio | Inhaled Nitric Oxide ? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_prone_cmtrt | radio | Prone Positioning | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_trach_prperf | radio | Tracheostomy inserted? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_prperf | radio | Other intervention or procedure? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_other_prtrt | text | If YES other intervention, Specify, | ||
remdesivir | radio | Is patient receiving Remdesivir through EAMS (Early Access to Medicine Scheme) criteria? | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, N/K | |
remdesivir_day | text | Which day of Remdesivir therapy is this: (number) | ||
remdesivir_last_dose | radio | Is this the intended last dose? | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 2, N/K | |
remdesivir_text | text | A DAILY CRF must be completed for each day of remdesivir administration and for Day 14 after first dose of remdesivir (if patient remains admitted). If not already done, please retrospectively complete the ADMISSION CRF and any scheduled DAILY CRF forms. |
daily_lab_text | text | DAILY LABORATORY RESULTS | ||
daily_lbperf | yesno | Results available for sample taken on the date in section 1 above ? | 1, Yes ; 0, No | |
daily_lbdat | text (date_dmy) | Date of assessment | ||
daily_hb_lbyn | radio | Haemoglobin available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_hbop_lborres | dropdown | Haemoglobin < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_hb_lborres | text | Haemoglobin | ||
daily_hb_lborresu | dropdown | Haemoglobin Unit | 1, g/L ; 2, g/dL | |
daily_wbc_lbyn | radio | WBC count available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_wbcop_lborres | dropdown | WBC count < or > (optional) | ||
daily_wbc_lborres | text | WBC count | ||
daily_wbc_lborresu | dropdown | WBC Unit | 1, x 10^9 / L ; 2, x 10³/μL | |
daily_lymp_lbyn | radio | Lymphocyte count available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_lympop_lbyn | dropdown | Lymphocyte count < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_lymp_lborres | text | Lymphocyte count | ||
daily_lymp_lborresu | dropdown | Lymphocyte count Unit | 1, cells/μL ; 2, x 10^9 / L ; 3, x 10³/μL | |
daily_neutro_lbyn | radio | Neutrophil count available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_neutroop_lbyn | dropdown | Neutrophil count < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_neutro_lborres | text | Neutrophil count | ||
daily_neutro_lborresu | dropdown | Neutrophil count Unit | 1, cells/μL ; 2, x 10^9 / L ; 3, x 10³/μL | |
daily_haematocrit_lbyn | yesno | Haematocrit available | ||
daily_haematocrit_lborres | text | Haematocrit | ||
daily_haematocrit_lborresu | dropdown | Haematocrit Unit | 1, % ; 2, L/L | |
daily_plt_lbyn | radio | Platelets available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_pltop_lborres | dropdown | Platelet count < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_plt_lborres | text | Platelet Count | ||
daily_plt_lborresu | dropdown | Platelets Unit | 1, x 10^9 / L ; 2, x 10³/μL | |
daily_aptt_lbyn | radio | APTT/APTR available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_apttop_lborres | dropdown | APTT/APTR < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_aptt_lborres | text | APTT/APTR (seconds) | ||
daily_pt_inr_lbyn | dropdown | PT or INR available | 1, PT done ; 2, INR done ; 3, PT or INR not done ; 4, N/K | |
daily_ptop_lborres | dropdown | PT < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_pt_lborres | text | PT (seconds) | ||
daily_inrop_lborres | dropdown | INR < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_inr_lborres | text | INR | ||
daily_esr_lbyn | radio | ESR available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_esrop_lbyn | dropdown | ESR < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_esr_lborres | text | ESR (mm/hr) | ||
daily_ferr_lbyn | radio | Ferritin available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_ferrop_lbyn | dropdown | Ferritin < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_ferr_lborres | text | Ferritin | ||
daily_ferr_lborresu | dropdown | Ferritin Unit | 1, μL/L ; 2, ng/mL | |
daily_alt_lbyn | radio | ALT / SGPT available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_altop_lbyn | dropdown | ALT / SGPT < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_alt_lborres | text | ALT / SGPT (U/L) | ||
daily_bil_lbyn | radio | Total Bilirubin available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_bilop_lborres | dropdown | Total Bilirubin < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_bil_lborres | text | Total Bilirubin | ||
daily_bil_lborresu | dropdown | Total Bilirubin Unit | 1, μmol/L ; 2, mg/dL | |
daily_ast_lbyn | radio | AST/SGOT available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_astop_lborres | dropdown | AST/SGOT < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_ast_lborres | text | AST/SGOT (U/L) | ||
daily_glucose_lbyn | radio | Glucose available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_glucoseop_lborres | dropdown | Glucose < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_glucose_lborres | text | Glucose | ||
daily_glucose_lborresu | dropdown | Glucose Unit | 1, mmol/L ; 2, mg/dL | |
daily_bun_lbyn | radio | Blood Urea Nitrogen (urea) available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_bunop_lborres | dropdown | Blood Urea Nitrogen (urea) < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_bun_lborres | text | Blood Urea Nitrogen (urea) | ||
daily_bun_lborresu | dropdown | Blood Urea Nitrogen (urea) Unit | 1, mmol/L ; 2, mg/dL | |
daily_lactate_lbyn | radio | Lactate available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_lactateop_lbyn | dropdown | Lactate < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_lactate_lborres | text | Lactate | ||
daily_lactate_lborresu | dropdown | Lactate Unit | 1, mmol/L ; 2, mg/dL | |
daily_ldh_lbyn | radio | Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) available? | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_ldhop_lborres | dropdown | LDH < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_ldh_lborres | text | Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (U/L) | ||
daily_cpk_lby | radio | Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) available? | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_cpkop_lbyn_2 | dropdown | Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_cpk_lbyn_2 | text | Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) (U/L) | ||
daily_creat_lbyn | radio | Creatinine available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_creatop_lborres | dropdown | Creatinine < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_creat_lborres | text | Creatinine | ||
daily_creat_lborresu | dropdown | Creatinine Unit | 1, μmol/L ; 2, mg/dL ; 3, umol/L | |
daily_sodium_lbyn | radio | Sodium available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_sodiumop_lborres | dropdown | Sodium < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_sodium_lborres | text | Sodium | ||
daily_sodium_lborresu | dropdown | Sodium Unit | 1, mmol/L ; 2, mEq/L | |
daily_potassium_lbyn | radio | Potassium available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_potassiumop_lborres | dropdown | Potassium < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_potassium_lborres | text | Potassium | ||
daily_potassium_lborresu | dropdown | Potassium Unit | 1, mmol/L ; 2, mEq/L | |
daily_procal_lbyn | radio | Procalcitonin available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_procalop_lborres | dropdown | Procalcitonin < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_procal_lborres | text | Procalcitonin (ng/mL) | ||
daily_crp_lbyn | radio | C-reactive protein (CRP) available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_crpop_lborres | dropdown | C-reactive protein (CRP) < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_crp_lborres | text | C-reactive protein (CRP) | ||
daily_crp_lborresu | dropdown | C-reactive protein (CRP) Unit | 1, mg/L ; 2, mg/dL ; 3, ug/ml | |
daily_egfr_lbyn | radio | eGFR available | 1, Yes ; 0, No ; 3, N/K | |
daily_egfrop_lborres | dropdown | eGFR < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_egfr_lborres | text | eGFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) | ||
daily_egfr_equation | checkbox | eGFR equation/formula | 1, daily_egfr_equation___1 CKD-EPI ; 2, daily_egfr_equation___2 MDRD ; 3, daily_egfr_equation___3 CG ; 4, daily_egfr_equation___4 N/K | |
daily_hba1cop_lborres | dropdown | Most recent HbA1c < or > (optional) | 1, < ; 2, > | |
daily_hba1c_lborres | text | Most recent HbA1c | ||
daily_hba1c_lborresu | dropdown | Most recent HbA1c Unit | 1, % ; 2, mmol/mol | |
daily_hba1c_lborresnk | radio | Most recent HbA1c N/K | 1, N/K | |
daily_hba1c_lborresd | text (date_dmy) | Date of HbA1c | ||
xray_prperf | radio | X-Ray/CT performed (this is chest X-ray if shorter CRF)? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
infiltrates_faorres | radio | If yes, were infiltrates present? | 1, Yes ; 2, No ; 3, N/A | |
daily_samples | yesno | Was a biological sample taken for research on this day? | 1, Yes ; 0, No | |
daily_samples_kitno | text | If yes, please record the KIT number KIT NUMBER (first 3 characters should be CCP then record 5 characters): |
daily_form_complete | Form Status | dropdown | Daily form section complete? | 0, Incomplete ; 1, Unverified ; 2, Complete |
Additional Fields
Case Report Form Definitions
- Participant Identification Number (PIN)
- Tier
- Inclusion Criteria
- Demographics
- Onset and Admission
- Admission Signs and Symptoms
- Comorbidities
- Preadmission Treatment
- Preadmission Medication
- Reinfection Form
- Daily Form
- Infectious Respiratory Disease Pathogen Diagnosis
- Infectious Respiratory Disease Pathogen Testing
- Treatment
- Complications
- Study Participation
- Outcome
- Final Outcome
- Core Additional Information
- Withdrawal Form
- Consent Ctu Dms
- Confirmed Negative PCR
- Follow up Consent
- Follow up Self Assessment
Additional Fields
Case Report Form Definitions
- Forms
- Timepoints
- eConsent Tier 1
- eConsent Tier 2
- Informed Consent Form
- Split Tier Consent
- Eligibility Checklist
- CRF1A Part 1
- CRF1A Part 2
- CRF1A Part 3
- CRF Emergency Visit
- Adverse Event Log
- Withdrawals
- CRF Early Termination
- CRF Tier 2 Withdrawal
- Medications Log
- Activity Monitor Log
- Mental Health Assessment
- Nutrition
- Social History
- EQ-5D-5L
- GAD-7
- PHQ-9
- MRC Dyspnoea
- Dyspnoea-12
- FACIT Fatigue
- PCL-5
- MoCA
- Rockwood Clinical Frailty
- PFTs
- Walk Tests
- Tier 2 Core Test Checklist
- Tier 2 Research Samples
- Tier 2 Notification - Blood
- Tier 2 Notification - Oral Wash
- Tier 2 Notification - Sputum
- Tier 2 Notification - Urine
- Muscle Strength
- Pre-PSQ
- Lab Log - Routine Blood
- Lab Log - Urine
- Lab Log - Immuno
- Lab Log - Additional Tests
- PCR Swab Tests
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Table Definitions
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Table Definitions
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Table Definitions
Additional Fields
Table Definitions
- MHS Master Patient Index table
- MHS GP data table
- NHS Accommodation status table
- MHS Employment status table
- MHS Patient Ind table
- MHS MH Care Coord table
- MHS Disability type table
- MHS Care plan type table
- MHS Care plan arrangement table
- MHS Assistive technology to support disability type table
- MHS Social and Personal Circumstances table
- MHS Overseas Visitor Charging Category table
- MHS Service or Team Referral table
- MHS Service or Team Type Referred To table
- MHS Other Reason for Referral table
- MHS Referral to Treatment table
- MHS Onward Referral table
- MHS Discharge Plan Agreement table
- MHS Care Contact table
- MHS Care Activity table
- MHS Other in Attendance table
- MHS Indirect Activity table
- MHS Medical History (Previous Diagnosis) table
- MHS Provisional Diagnosis table
- MHS Primary Diagnosis table
- MHS Secondary Diagnosis table
- MHS Coded Scored Assessment (Referral) table
- MHS Coded Scored Assessment (Care Activity) table
- MHS Care Programme Approach (CPA) Care Episode table
- MHS Care Programme Approach (CPA) Review table
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Table Definitions
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