This repository is the official implementation of Exploring Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Target Tracking using Micro Aerial Vehicles.
The code has been tested with Python 3.8 in a Windows host machine. You can install the requirements with:
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url
pip install stable-baselines3==1.5.0
NB: torch must be installed depending on your pc configuration (CPU or GPU).
there is a list of training parameters that can be configured:
'num_cpu': 8,
'policy': 'DenseMlpPolicy',
'n_timesteps': 10000,
'WandB': False,
'WandB_project': '<your_wandb_project>',
'WandB_entity': '<your_wandb_entity>',
'WandB_API_key': '<your_wandb_api_key>',
'render': False,
'eval_episodes': 5,
'eval_mode': False,
'optimal_distance': 0.75,
'Ts': 0.05,
'sensor_noise': True,
'mass_noise': True,
'start_noise': True,
'output_delay': True,
'move_target': True,
'asymmetric_actor_buffer_length': 15
- num_cpu is the number of parallel training environments (Suggested: PC cores number - 2).
- policy stable-baseline policy. DenseMlpPolicy is out asymmetric implementation of SAC.
- n_timesteps Timesteps of training before a validation test.
- WandB boolean if you want to use Wandb to monitor the training.
- WandB_project - WandB_entity - WandB_API_key Wandb configuration parameters.
- render enable rendering of the experiments. (Use only for test)
- eval_episodes number of episodes for the validation phase.
- eval_mode enables evaluation mode (Leave it false if you want to start a new training).
- optimal_distance Optimal distance from the target.
- Ts Time step of the RL training and the dynamic model.
- sensor_noise - mass_noise - start_noise - output_delay flags to enable the randomization and noise.
- move_target flag to enable the target movements.
- asymmetric_actor_buffer_length length of the Actor observation buffer.
Once configured the hyperparameters, just run
to start the training.
If you use this code in a scientific context, please cite the following:
BibTeX details:
author={Dionigi, Alberto and Leomanni, Mirko and Saviolo, Alessandro and Loianno, Giuseppe and Costante, Gabriele},
booktitle={2023 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR)},
title={Exploring Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Target Tracking Using Micro Aerial Vehicles},
keywords={Deep learning;Visualization;Target tracking;Reinforcement learning;Robustness;Delays;Output feedback},